Chapter Twenty-Six: Never Can Say Goodbye

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So, Ginuwine has been charged with child abuse and disturbing the peace. The judge held him without bail. At first, I was confused because he's got some loot. However, I did some research and realized that he was held on an outstanding warrant: accessory after the fact in connection to a robbery. Not just any robbery..but the night I got robbed. When Denise came to the police station, she recalled one of the masked men wearing Versace colonge, just like G used to! Bitch ass nigga! I also learned that Ginuwine helped Raheem plan this robbery because he was angry with me. I warned him I would be dropping from Swing Mob because he just isn't working hard like he should be.

Denise and I are in a pretty weird place. She moved back in with me, but we aren't together. We decided that living together would be a good strategy to keep each other safe, plus Zoelle misses her parents being together. There's this awkwardness between us and I can't stand it anymore.

I was in the bathroom doing....I ain't sugarcoating it goddamnit, I was JERKING OFF!!! I'm glad my Zo is back in my life, but I need Denise back with me as my soulmate, my lover, my partner, and my lifeline. Zoelle is with my parents for the weekend and Denise had just come back from the grocery store. I was groaning so loudly, I know she heard me.

Denise (knocking): DeVante! What the hell are you doing in there!?

Me (moaning): Aaaah.....fuck!

She burst out laughing.

Me: This ain't funny.

Denise: Yes it is!

Me: I wouldn't have to do this if it wasn't for you. It's your fault.

Denise: Ooooh, is it now?

Me: Yeah.

I finished, washed my hands and opened the side door (this door leads to the bedroom). I relaxed in the bed while she showered.


While most chicks would be put off by a guy beating off, I thought this was funny because I know DeVante hasn't had any in a while! I took off my robe and got in the shower. After 45 minutes, I got out and quietly opened the side door. DeVante was sound asleep in the bed. Not wanting to turn on any big lights, I simply lit a candle and I crept to the drawer, sitting on a stool and began lotioning my body. I rubbed my shoulders, and looked in the mirror.

DeVante: You look beautiful, baby.

I turned around in shock.

Me: Weren't you asleep?

DeVante: I was.

He got up, walked around the bed and rubbed my back.

DeVante: You feel okay?

Me: I do now.

DeVante: I missed ya'll...

I turned around and held him.

Me: I missed you too.

DeVante: I'm sorry for everything that's happened. I know losing the baby was painful, but losing you guys tears me apart so bad you don't even know.

Me: What are we gonna do?

DeVante: I don't know....but I know what we are gonna do now.

He picked me up and gently cradled me in the bedroom. I was naked, but he kept me very, very warm. He then set us both on the bed and kissed my forehead.

Me: What are we doing?

DeVante: Sshh.....

Me: Why?

DeVante: I said hush.

Me: Why?

DeVante: I love you Denise.

I saw him crying. I looked at him and kissed him.

Me: I love you too.

DeVante: I don't want you to go...

I sniffed and wiped the tears from his eyes. After everything we've been through, I can't say goodbye to him...and I WON'T!

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