Chapter Twenty-Nine: "What Happened to My Baby?"

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Just as I feared, Raheem has indeed resurfaced and worse, he won his fight to have joint custody of Zoelle. I sat in jail for seven months due to being in contempt of court and DeVante's adoptive rights have been voided because I didn't go through the proper steps to have Raheem's parental rights reversed to DeVante. He gets her every other weekend and alternate holidays. We're fighting through court because I really think my baby girl is in danger when in the care of her father. Think I'm paranoid!? Check this out!

I drove up to Raheem's mother's house (Ms. Marcelle) to pick her up. Now, me and Ms. Marcelle never got along because his meddlesome mother just can't seem to let her son be a man. Always coddling over him, cutting up his food and always defending against the limitations of common sense. 

I got out the car, slammed the door and began banging on the door.

Ms. Marcelle: HEY HEY! WHAT'S WRONG WITH CHU GIRL!? We have a doorbell!

Me: Well then learn how to respond to it. 

I rushed past her, searching frantically for MY baby. "Zoelle!" "Zoelle!" I screamed for about 10 seconds and she ran to me from outside. She was quiet, meek and very relieved to see me. 

Me: Hey baby! How are you?

Zoelle (lowly): Okay...

Me: Why just okay? Did your daddy take you lots of places!?

Zoelle (lowly): Uh....yea. 

Raheem came in from the basement with his shirt undone with some hoe.

Raheem: Hey baby girl, where's my hug?

Zoelle held onto me and didn't even look at Raheem. I turned around with her in my arms and angrily stormed out with Raheem right behind me. I put her in the car seat and she didn't even look at Raheem. 

Raheem: C'mon man, what's up?

Me: What happened to my baby?

Raheem: Nothing, man. She takes after your ass with all that melodrama shit. 

Me: Raheem, you better tell me right now what's up? I'm being nice for the moment. You think DeVante will be any nicer if I tell him what's wrong with my daughter?

Raheem: First of all, DeVante is a bitch nigga who you allowed to play Daddy to my baby. You filling her head up with all types of shit. I don't know what's wrong with her. 

I moved him aside, got in the driver's side and drove off. I looked in the rear view mirror and saw a scared looking Zoelle in her car seat. 

Raheem is full of shit and he knows it. My daughter isn't going to spend a weekend with someone, come home undone, and you not knowing why the fuck she's the way she is. Let me find out this motherfucker did something to my kid, it's going ALL THE WAY DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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