Chapter Two: "This Better Work Out"

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DENISE POV the day I meet my boss, or should I say bosses, Jodeci! I woke up at 5:00 AM sharp. After I showered and lotioned down, I put on a black lace top, skinny blue jeans with some pink Doc Martens and my yellow jacket. I put my hair in a messy ponytail and put on my Fedora. I grabbed my backpack and yelled for my Golden Labrador Retriever to come down. I put Zoelle in her car seat, she's such a good baby...sound asleep and everything.

Me: Junjo! Come on!

He trotted from the kitchen and to my feet. I put his collar on, locked the door behind me and drove to work. I dropped Junjo off at the local doggie day care and headed to Uptown Records.

Secretary: Hello! Are you Denise Zurita?

Me: Yes, I am.

Secretary: C'mon, let's get you up there.

I was kinda nervous. I know Puffy told me to wear what I wanted, but I feel a bit vulnerable in a room full of guys. As the secretary and I reached the 26th floor, she could read me like a book.

Secretary: I know you ain't nervous, girl! You'll do fine. They haven't even met you and they already like you!

Me: I'll hold you to that.

As the elevator stopped, we hugged as I took off my jacket and through the glass, I saw them! K-Ci, JoJo, Mr. Dalvin and his big brother, DeVante Swing. The inner fan girl in me wanted to die, but I gotta keep it cool. Puffy saw me, smiled and motioned for me to come on in and I did.

Puffy: Hey guys, here's your new assistant...Denise Zurita.

K-Ci: Hey baby!

Mr. Dalvin: Nigga it ain't been a minute and you thirsty! Hi there, I'm Mr. Dalvin.

JoJo: And I'm that thirsty nigga's brother, JoJo. I know how to treat a lady.

I laughed lightly.

DeVante: I'm DeVante, darlin'.

I smiled and he winked at me. I'm not religious but Lord. Have. Mercy!

Puffy: So Denise is going to do your album artwork, establish interviews, press conferences, and even go on the road with you too. Just because she's a woman, doesn't mean ya'll can treat her any kind of way. And don't be giving her those looks either!

Puffy gently patted my shoulder and proceeded to leave, but I stopped him.

Me: You aren't going to leave me with them, are you?

Now, I didn't mean to say that above a whisper. I turned to the guys and they looked confused. I looked back at Puffy.

Puffy: It's fine. They like you already, don't worry about it.

Me (whispering): This better work out.

He smiled and walked out. I sat down across from them, I took out my notebook and started asking questions.

Dalvin: We won't bite.

DeVante: What he said.

Me: I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that.

K-Ci: You married? You got a nigga at home? On the side?

JoJo: Shut up, nigga!

K-Ci: Well, she got on lace so I'm just curious.

Me: Well, since you're asking....I'm single. I don't date much.

DeVante: Why not?

Damn, personal much? This is about ya'll, NOT me.

Me: Well, I have a nine-month old at home so...I really don't have the time.

Me: Enough about me, what about you all? I'm going to ask you guys questions, as a get-to-know you kinda thing and we'll go from there. First, what kind of sound does your debut album have? I'm asking this because I want to have a visual for the artwork.

DeVante: Well, we have a R&B kinda feel to it. But, we have that New Jack Swing feel too. It's just a blend of genres, basically.

Me: New Jack that why you go by DeVante Swing instead of Donald DeGrate?

He smiled and laughed at me.

DeVante: No, you figure that out.

As the ice breaker progressed, I realize that this is going to work out after all. They seem like wholesome, respectable young men ready to take the music world by storm. And, I get to be part of that feat so I'm excited. But, why does DeVante keep staring at my chest? We have to stay professional, none of that mess. He's attractive, respectful, and talented....what would he want with an average nobody like me? Whatever, I'll put it aside for now....he wouldn't want me. All those groupies? Please.

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