Chapter Twenty-One: A Bun In the Oven

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Today is the day that DeVante is going to officially adopt Zoelle as his daughter. It's 1993, my pumpkin pie is going to be three, and DeVante feels as though it's time. Raheem is just a sperm donor, and DeVante's been her father since she was nine months old. He taught her how to walk, talk, potty trained her and knows how to cease her temper tantrums. She skins her knee, he's there. She has nightmares, he's there, if she's sleepy DeVante will put her on his chest and soothe her to sleep. I don't doubt his love for her, and she definitely loves him too!

Me: Pumpkin pie, you ready for today? You know what we're doing?

Zoelle: Daddy's gonna make me his daughter forever and ever!!!

I smiled and we went downstairs as DeVante looked up and beamed at us with pride.

DeVante: Look at my girls!

I kissed him lightly on the lips and we drove to the courthouse. It took two hours and after that we went back home, tired from our day of shopping, eating, and playing around we did.

DeVante: I have a daughter now. Wow! I get to be a father!

You may have another daughter or son the way i've been feeling. I thought. Lately, I've had the strangest feeling (no pun intended), but I've been throwing up, sleeping a lot, eating everything I see, and nibbling on marshmallows and white chocolate chips. I would love for Zoelle to have a sibling, but right now? Uh, we just got back together and I don't know how having another child would fly with DeVante.


I went with Pamela and Reign to the doctor's office and told the doctor's what I had been feeling and I had to take a pregnancy test. After 10 minutes, she came back and handed me the results. I saw it, and tears filled my eyes. I was....I was....going to have another baby.

Doctor: Well Denise, you are 6 weeks pregnant. I want to say you are due on or about September 7.

Me: Wow!

I went home and quietly sat down on the couch. DeVante took Zoelle out for ice cream and they came in the house. I turned my head and cried silently. I don't know if it's hormones or my fear of how he would react.

Me: Hi babies....

Zoelle: Daddy, Mommy's sad.

DeVante: Yeah, you're right. Why don't you go play in your room while I talk to her?

Zoelle (yawning): Okay.

I wiped my eyes and hugged her before she took a nap in her room. I turned to DeVante who had a worried look on his face.

DeVante: Baby? You okay? Somebody hurt you? I'MM FUC--

Me: No no, just sit down...I gotta tell you something important.

He wiped my tears and kissed my cheek.

Me: DeVante, I'm pregnant!

His mouth dropped open and then it turned into a smile! I sighed.

DeVante: You had my heart all nervous and shit, baby. Don't do that shit anymore, got a nigga soul ready to leave his body and shit.

We hugged, and he mouthed ''I love you.'' Our family is going to get a bit bigger, and it's something we're looking forward and NOTHING is going to get in the way of this blessing in my belly. And in, that, ORDER!!!

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