Chapter Twelve: Meet the Parents

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Today is the day I meet DeVante's parents. I don't really want to do this, but I have to, After all, his family deserves to know the new lady in their son's life. We had been on the road for 7 hours, and Zoelle was sound asleep. I looked out of the window, nervous as hell. DeVante grabbed my hand and kissed it gently.

DeVante: I'm telling you babe, you're working yaself up for nothing. They'll love you!'

As I said before, I don't know about this. As DeVante pulled up into the driveway, I saw Zoelle still asleep in the car seat. He parked the driveway, got out the car, went over to Zoelle's side and got her out of the seat. I grabbed her and DeVante held my hand as we walked in the house.

DeVante: Mama! Pops! Where ya'll at?

Female Voice: Wherever there's work to be done.

A middle-aged woman came out the kitchen and came up to us smiling. Her husband also came out too, beaming with delight.

Mama DeGrate: Hey there son, oh my baby! How you been?

DeVante: I'm great Mama, how about ya'll?

Mama DeGrate: Blessed, living, and un-stressed baby!

Father DeGrate: Welcome home, son!

Mama DeGrate: And who is this beautiful young lady? Oooh, and a cutie pie baby girl?

Me: My name is Denise Zurita, I'm DeVante's girlfriend. This is my little girl, Zoelle!

Zoelle opened her eyes and smiled at Mama DeGrate.

Zoelle: Gamma!

We all laughed as Zoelle went into Mama DeGrate's arms. DeVante and I may our way into the kitchen where Father DeGrate had set down two plates of food for us: collard greens, cornbread, sweet potatoes, cabbage, fried chicken, macaroni and cheese, short ribs, black eyed peas, and biscuits. Mama  DeGrate had put two glasses of lemonade on each side of us. Talk about southern hospitality! I just lost all my baby fat and now this good ass food was gonna have my booty built like a damn Buick.

I looked to my right and saw a light-skinned guy chowing down on his own plate.

Father DeGrate: Derek! Did your rusty butt grow up in a barn!? Say hi to DeVante's company!

Derek (mouth full): Wassup baby?

DeVante: Baby? Derek don't---

Me: It's alright.

Me: Uh....thanks so much!

Mama DeGrate: You're welcome, baby!

Derek DeGrate is DeVante and Dalvin's baby brother. He's 17 and by what I can see, the boy ain't missing no meals!!! Speaking of Dalvin, he's coming in a few. I was only able to eat a few things, and Father DeGrate wrapped up the rest.

Mama DeGrate: D.J., you been just a workin', I see!

DeVante: What you mean, Mama?

Mama DeGrate: Recording, producin', baby a busy man. I thought Dalvin was exaggeratin!

I laughed and cleared my throat.

Me: Well, ma'am--

Mama DeGrate: Ma'am? I ain't that old, baby.

Me: Mrs. DeGrate, Zoelle isn't DeVante's child.

Mama DeGrate: Oh no?

Me: Not biologically anyways.

DeVante: Yeah, uh, we've been raising Zoelle together. I love that little girl.

Father DeGrate: Forgive me for asking this, but where is the father?

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