Chapter Twenty-Eight: Raheem Resurfaces

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I know ya'll can't stand me, but FUCK YA'LL! Nobody knows my side of the story. My ex Denise has been running around town, supposedly getting wifed up by that punk ass nigga DeVante Swing. He stole my family from me, and I'm gonna get my baby back! I did some bad stuff in the past, but who hasn't? Now, I know ya'll done heard Denise's little sob story, but this is my side:

Once upon a time, not long ago ya know, I was just a young fly dude who attracted a lot of girls....but I only wanted Denise. She was different....very ambitious, studious, hardworking and goal-oriented. It took a lot of trust, but we began a relationship that lasted for about 2 years. The night Zoelle was conceived, the only thing I remember is we argued, Denise was naked and shaking, and I never saw her again until she had me arrested for rape. She was two months pregnant when I was going through court and now she won't let me see her. As far as the other five women, I was never charged because the supposed victims never had evidence or whatnot. I went to family court to file visitation papers to see my daughter and I'm gonna be in her life, no matter what I have to do. 

I don't understand why Denise isn't letting me see my baby. We made her together, and we have to co-parent and raise her together too. I live in Harlem with my brother Nuka and his girlfriend Tika. They're my best friends and they know I didn't rape nobody. Zoelle is my first and only child, so I have to make the best of these years because believe it or not, they go by VERY quickly.


I had just finished doing laundry when I picked up the mail. It was a letter from family court....

"These papers are summoned on behalf of Raheem Khaleed Powers, the biological father of the child below as an appeal to garner the custodial rights of his biological child, Zoelle Assata Zurita, a female minor who is five years old. Mr. Powers is asking that Ms. Denise Zurita consent to joint custody of their daughter as well as expel any child support payments. This petition is being filed as Mr. Powers claims that Ms. Zurita has unlawfully and unfairly kept their daughter away from him." ME!??? You took something from me that you didn't deserve, left me to bear this baby on my own, and NOW you want in her life?HELL NO! I don't care what I gotta do, but my baby will never know that her father is a rapist. NEVER!!! DeVante has always been there for her, and it would confuse her to no end. I'm not going to hurt my baby that way. If I have to fight every legal obstacle, pay any fee, or sit in jail for contempt, I WILL!!!!

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