Chapter Ten: Let's Go Through the Motions

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It's July 22. One month before my baby girl's first birthday! She hasn't started walking....yet but she'll get there. I'm having her birthday party at my apartment building. Mr. Wayne has a nice little space in the common area so everyone can come. My siblings are coming. I haven't really spoken to my mother (she left my Dad for another man when I was 9 and hasn't come back since, even after Dad died.) DeVante said he'd come by today to go over what Zoelle needed for the party.

Me: Hey!

DeVante: Hey babe, hi there little one!

Zoelle held her arms out and DeVante picked her up. She smiled at him and once again called him "Dada."

Me: Zoelle...

DeVante: Don't kill the mood, Denise.

I laughed and kissed Zoelle on the cheek and sighed.

DeVante: What's wrong, honey?

Me:'s just that she hasn't started walking yet. She's going to be 1 years old in a month and she's not walking. We've tried everything, but all she wants to do is crawl.

He set Zoelle on the floor and walked off, but turned around to her.

Me: What are you doing?

DeVante: She's going to learn!

I shook my head and laughed. Zoelle cried and held her arms out to me, but I refused. She cried even more.

DeVante: Gone and cry....

Zoelle's face was in her hands and after 5 minutes, she wobbled and was standing up! She had a very pouty look on her face and DeVante and I doubled over in laughter. After some struggling, she was...walking! I squealed with excitement and we laughed. I picked her up and kissed her lightly on the cheek. I put her back down and she wobbled over to DeVante!

Zoelle: Yay, Dada! Mama!

DeVante picked her up and tickled her. I smiled at the moment. Then, tears came down my face....I love seeing my daughter happy but sad because I had my baby with the wrong man. DeVante is willing to accept me and my baby despite everything that's happened. He wiped the tears from my eyes and Zoelle looked at us both.

Zoelle: Mama, Dada!

DeVante: Don't talk, just listen to what I'm about to say.

I nodded my head.

DeVante: I want you to know that I don't like you, I love you Denise. When I met you, I just felt something with you. And your little one....I love her too. I know you've been hurt a lot, but that wasn't me. It would never be. I just want you to know I love you, I love Zoelle, and I want to take this to another level.

I wiped my tears.

Me: How do we do this?

DeVante: Every way possible!

Me: I live in New York, you live in New Jersey!

DeVante: I don't care, we'll work it out, baby.

Me: Okay.

We kissed and watched Zoelle play. Finally, I can give my daughter what my parents didn't give me: a loving, caring family.

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