Chapter Eleven: Whatever You Want

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Today is Zoelle's first birthday! Yay! I am so excited for her, and so is DeVante. We agreed that her party would be held at Puffy's house. We ordered her a 4-tier strawberry cake with white frosting, balloons, presents. Nothing big, but just enough to let Zoelle know that she is loved and cared by many!

DeVante: Happy Birthday, little one!

Zoelle giggled. We were at Puffy's place and everyone was there! I hugged DeVvante and wiped tears from my eyes. I tried to look away where he wouldn't see, but he did and laughed.

DeVante: Baby, why you crying? This is a happy time.

Me: Trust me, I am happy. My little---

DeVante: Our little one, baby. Continue.

Me: I just want to make sure she has everything.

DeVante: I think she had everything before, honey. A strong, loving, caring mother and the chance at life.

Me: Yeah?

DeVante: Of course!

We kissed passionately, I mean we were so into the kiss until Heavy D ran in the living room, panicked and scared.

DeVante: Yo man, what's wrong?

Heavy D: Some wilin' ass nigga coming up in here talking about he yo baby daddy, Denise!

Oh shit! Raheem? He isn't supposed to know where we are! That nigga's been following us! Fuck, damnit, shit to hell, I'm not about to let him fuck up my daughter's birthday. We've been through too much for him to ruin it!

DeVante: Ah hell nah, it's over for this nigga!

I told Pam to watch the baby and followed DeVante out into the front yard where everyone was arguing with Raheem.

Raheem: I don't give a fuck who ya'll are, I want to see my baby! It's her fucking birthday, and I'm her daddy so let me part of it.

K-Ci: Nah man, her daddy is in there, you just a sperm donor, bruh.

Dalvin: Yeah, now get the fuck out of here before you get ya ass handed to ya, partna!


I tried to pull DeVante back but he was too strong. He pushed past Puffy and Jojo....and stood face to face. Now this wasn't what I wanted...especially on my daughter's first birthday. Today was supposed to be about Zoelle!

Raheem: Look man, you don't know me, all you know is what that bitch has told you!

Me: Bitch!? You got me fucked up if you think---

Dalvin put his hand over my mouth and pulled me away from them.

DeVante: I know that you're a rapist and a sperm donor. You ain't her daddy nigga, I AM!!! I've been there; feeding her, clothing her, teaching her how to walk, talk and everything! Get ya ass outta here, before I help you leave nigga!

He was starting to go for Raheem when Puffy, Heavy, and Jojo held him back.

Raheem: I'm her daddy, NOT YOU!!! She didn't give me the chance to be there! FUCK YOU AND YO BITCH ASS CREW!!!

DeVante: See...I done told you to GET THE FUCK ON!!!

DeVante turned his back and then punched the shit out of Raheem. He pushed him on the ground and started kicking at him. Luckily, DeVante couldn't do any real damage because two off-duty cops came up and broke up all the commotion.


I sat at the top of the stairs in frustration. I understand that DeVante was trying to protect us, but he took it a step far by punching him. Now he's really going to want Zoelle now! Mary J. Blige had finished putting Vaseline on DeVante's bloody knuckles. He came up and sat down next to me.

DeVante: I'm sorry.

Me: I know. This was supposed to be for Zoelle!

DeVante: You don't think what I just did out there was for Zoelle?

Me: I didn't say that, DeVante! You just..........I don't know.

DeVante: I didn't mean to scare you or her, I love ya'll and I'm just being a man in protecting my babies.

I rested my head on his shoulder.

DeVante: Have you ever been to Virginia, baby?

Me: What?

DeVante: Have you?

I said no.

DeVante: I was thinking that maybe you and Zoelle could drive with me down there to meet my family.

I sighed. It's not that I don't want to meet Mr. and Mrs. DeGrate, but I know that they come a Pentecostal background and believe in doing things traditionally. So far, I've done everything ass backwards: had a child out of wedlock, dropped out of college, slept with DeVante on our first date, and I'm an Atheist. How is that going to mesh with his background?

Me: I gotta bad feeling about that....I'm not walking around with a Halo baby.

DeVante: And you think they do!? Baby, listen. I'm not perfect, you aren't perfect. Baby, we don't live in a perfect world! And...even if I had the image of a perfect woman, she wouldn't even come close to what I have in front of me.

That melted my heart. See ladies, there are good men out there.....who will help heal your scars rather than damage them more. I love this man more and more, I swear!

Me: Okay, I'll go. I still feel a bit blah about it, but I'll go anyways.

DeVante: Good!

Me: One more thing?

DeVante: Whatever you want.

Me: I bet you get quite lonely in that house back in Jersey. Zoelle and I think you need some company....

He smiled and kissed me. In two months we're moving to New Jersey and I have the challenge for meeting DeVante's parents. This is crazy, but like DeVante says, "We'll work something out." And it turns out that we do!

Come & Talk To Me: A JoDeCi Storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن