Chapter Twenty-Three: Rumblin' in the Rover!

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I had a miscarriage three months into my pregnancy and at this point I'm over DeVante's bipolar ass bullshit. I've taken care of mine before him and I have no problems doing it now that we're over. Marco helped me move into a more secure apartment in Upper East Manhattan. Zoelle was still being babysat by Mr. Wayne. Marco and I were at Central Park, discussing how I could move on. Zoelle was looking forward to being a big sister. After a while he went home and I got thirsty so I ran around looking for Teddy the Vendor.

After 5 minutes, I realized why Teddy wasn't around. He caught the stomach flu so he wasn't at work. I ran across the street to the store and bought two Gatorades. Damn it! It was starting to rain. I forgot to bring my car so I had two choices: demand a cab take a 2 hour jog back home. As I was wiping my face, I noticed a chrome Range Rover that was slowly driving beside me!

Me: Fuck off, and gone somewhere!!!

DeVante:  C'mon!

I sighed. I knew it was DeVante. I could see that there were balloons that read "I LOVE YOU" and "I'M SORRY", along with toys for Zoelle, in addition to flowers and candies for me. I rolled my eyes and  walked the other way.

Me: Long time, no see.

DeVante: Listen, I'm sorry baby. I love you, I love Zoelle, and I'm sorry about what happened to the baby. Just come home so we can get though it together. C'mon, you can't go home like this. Let me give you a ride.

I knew he'd never let up so I got in the car against my better judgement.

Me: I don't have time for this. If this is going to be followed by another temper tantrum, you can keep it. Talk to me when you're serious.

DeVante: I'm serious now!

Me: I'm serious too! It's too late!

DeVante: I know I fucked up, I said and did some fucked up shit, but I swear I did mean it.

Me: You don't even believe that shit, leave me alone.

DeVante: I can't. I wanna see Zoelle! She's my baby too!

Me: Oh, so now that I miscarried our baby, NOW you wanna come home and work things out? Boa....

He turned off the car and got out to face me.

DeVante: No, I came home and ya'll were gone. The only reason I know about the miscarriage is because Puffy told me! How could you tell him before me!? I was that baby's father, NOT HIM!!! You had no right to keep that from me!!!

Me: You didn't even WANT the baby! How could I? You walked out, you didn't deserve that baby, you didn't deserve to adopt Zoelle, and you didn't deserve me! I'm over this bullshit.

DeVante: I got scared!

Me: So what!? I was raped and left with a baby, but I didn't run out on my baby! What kind of man are you? How can I trust you again?

I was so mad I reached in the back seat and started destroying stuff he bought.

DeVante: What the fuck are you doing?

He pulled over and grabbed my wrists.

Me: LET GO!!!


I squirmed free and started swinging at him wildly. I've never felt more angry and upset at someone. I know that it was wrong, but DeVante needs to feel something for abandoning me like this!

DeVante: Man....

He took off he seat belt and pounded his fists on the dashboard before looking at me.

The next thing I know is that DeVante wrapped his hands around my neck and begun to violently shake me. I gasped and gasped for air and he let go, shoving my head against the window. I lunged at his face and began scratching at him.

We ended up punching, kicking, slapping, and biting each other. In the back of my mind, I knew this was wrong but he made me so fucking mad.

By now, the scuffle attracted some people. One man opened the door and pulled DeVante away from me. The man's wife pulled me away from DeVante and the next thing I remember was two police officers handcuffing me and putting me in the back of a squad car.

Oh shit...

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