Chapter Fourteen: Bloodied, Bruised, Beaten, and Battered

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It's been five weeks since Denise left me. If it was any other girl, I'd be gone like yesterday. Ya'll just don't understand. There's a foundation here and I gotta rebuild what I broke. I miss Zoelle, I miss my Denise, I miss everything those two gave me and I threw it away for a booty call. I need to call her, hear their voices, it's driving me crazy, tearing me apart knowing that Denise hates me and that I can't see my baby. We don't see each other because she's busy and I'm busy too! I need time to see her and work this out.


I miss DeVante, but what he did hurt me tremendously. Do I love him? Yes, I do. Do I want him back? Hell yes. Can I trust him? ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! I'm confused because whilst I love what we had, I feel like taking him back will give him the green light to keep cheating on me. I can't have that! It was going to be another late night at the office so upon Pamela's suggestion, I left Zoelle with her. After I clocked out at 11:45, I drove home and never felt such relief. Mr. Wayne got me new locks and now when I bring me and the baby home I can breathe easier (for obvious reasons). I took off my clothes, and ran a hot bath. By the time I got out the tub,it was 12:30 in the morning and the house was quiet. I miss my baby girl. I decided to call Pamela to check on her (she stays up!) but I realized my line was dead. Then, the lights cut off.

Scared, I ran out the apartment and knocked on Mr. Wayne's door.

Me: Mr. Wayne! Mr. Wayne! Please, open the door!

I realized that Mr. Wayne was in Key West because his oldest daughter was giving birth to his first grandchild! I noticed that he had a fire poker (for scare mostly) on the side of his door, so I grabbed that and slowly went back in the house! I turned around and was blindsided by a fist in my face. I fell to the ground, but quickly got back up swinging the poker in the intruder's stomach. He groaned and fell to the floor. I ran to the bathroom and tried locking it, but the intruder was so strong, I fell back and slid on the floor. The next thing I know he drug me by the hair and threw me on the living room floor. He quickly climbed on top of me and began violently punching me in the face, chest, back, arms, and legs. He took my towel off and bit my left breast.


He spit on my face before punching me in between my eyes. The last thing I heard before I blacked out was his footsteps walking out the door.


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