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Okay so let me explain the power dynamic since the last chapter may have raised some questions.
Chan doms everyone
Hyunjin doms everyone but Chan (he occasionally lets Jeongin top him)
Jeongin doms the omegas, Minho, Jisung and occasionally Hyunjin.
Minho doms the omegas and switches with Jisung often
Jisung doms the omegas and switches with Minho
Felix tops Seungmin and switches with Changbin, he isn't necessarily a dom.
Changbin tops Seungmin and is the same as Felix
Seungmin bottoms and subs for everyone.

Changbin woke up feeling pain throughout his body he groaned and looked to the left and saw Felix, wide awake with a pained expression. Felix noticed that Chanbin was awake and moved forward to kiss him. Changbin smiled into the kiss and tried to get up but fell back on to the bed.

" That's not happening anytime soon."  Changbin heard a voice to his right groan out. He looked over and saw Seungmin staring back at him, he gave the boy a kiss "How long have you both been awake?"  Changbin asked with a damaged voice.

"I woke up about an hour ago and he," Seungmin nodded his head at Felix "Woke up about half an hour ago.". Changbin nodded and laid there before Felix spoke up "Seungmin you should try to get up, you've been awake the longest.". The boy opened his mouth to protest but decided not to.

Seungmin huffed in determination and pushed himself up on trembling arms, fueled by the encouragement of the other two, he swung his leg off the bed. "This is way too exhausting." he huffed. "Come on. You're almost there." Felix said. Seungmin nodded and pressed his lips together in determination, and slowly stood up.

Once the boy had fully straightened up and tried to take a step, his world started tilting. The alphas who were lazing around downstairs while preparing breakfast heard a loud thump followed by a scream. The boys jumped and bolted upstairs, with Jisung and Jeongin being the first two to arrive.

The boys bursted into the room to find Seungmin on the floor and Changbin and Felix on the bed, howling with laughter. "This isn't funny, stop laughing." Seungmin pouted. Felix and Changbin were laughing so hard that they didn't even notice the alphas.

Seungmin turned to the bigger boys and made grabby hands at them "You did this, so help me up.". Minho cooed and rushed to scoop Seungmin into his arms "We are sorry baby." "I'm not." Chan said with a smirk.

The other two boys were catching their breath from laughing so hard when they noticed the other people in the room. Jisung rushed to Felix's side and carefully picked him up, holding him bridal style. Felix whined and hit Jisung's chest "Put me down, I'm naked." "Seriously?" Jisung deadpanned.

"You do look pretty like this." Minho smirked "but i don't want you guys catching colds." He put Seungmin on the bed and went to Jeongin and Chan's room, returning with three over sized shirts. He helped Seungmin put one on and gave the other two to Jisung and Jeongin.

After the other boys were dressed, Jeongin went to get Changbin. He pulled the blanket off, revealing
Changbin's body that was covered in bites, finger shaped bruises, hand prints and hickeys. He was definitely worse off than Seungmin and Felix in the sense that their marks would be easier to cover.

Changbin flushed and tried to cover his face but was stopped by Jeongin "It's a little late for that princess, don't you think?". He took his time putting the shirt on Changbin before placing him on his hip like a baby. Changbin buried his face in the crook of Jeongin's neck when Hyunjin and Chan came to admire their handy work.

Jeongin carried him to the living room and was about to place him in a chair but Changbin only tighnted his hold around his neck. "The chair is too hard." Jeongin nodded let Changbin sit on his lap. Felix was feeling brave so he decided to try sitting on the chair but immediately regretted it because as soon as he sat down, the pain in his lower body amplified. Jisung picked him back up and scolded him for not listening.

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