Ice Cream

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Changbin slowly snuck out of the room closing to door behind himself, softly. He sighed in relief, he had been trying to get out of Hyunjin and Chan's vice like grips for the past thirty fucking minutes. He wanted to make breakfast because he was the only one aside from Chan who didn't have their brains fucked out.

His plan was foiled when he saw Felix and Seungmin in the kitchen "No no no. What are you two doing here?" Changbin groaned. Felix laughed "We knew you'd try to make breakfast alone so we beat you to it." Changbin pouted and hit Seungmin's shoulder "No. You two go back to bed."

Seungmin smeared some pancake batter on Changbin's bottom lip "Shut up and help us or go back to bed and let us finish.". Changbin rolled his eyes and trudged to the freezer to get the bacon and sausages. Of fucking course, they were on the top shelf. Changbin was about to throw a fit when he felt a body press up against his.

"Let me." The taller person spoke in a raspy voice and handed the packets of meat to him. Changbin spun around to face the person with his hands on his hips "I could've gotten that." "Sure you could have." Jeongin replied with a teasing smile. "Fuck off." Changbin spat playfully, he snatched the packets and went to the sink.

"Why are you guys even awake." Felix smirked "You aren't that big, don't flatter yourself." Changbin's jaw dropped and he silently filled a cup of water with his back facing them. As Felix was laughing he spun around and threw the water on him "You bitch.". Felix stood there drenched with a smirk slowly forming on his face.

"Two can play that game." Felix picked up and handful of flour and threw it at Changbin but he missed. Jeongin was frozen in shock, his hands slowly came up to wipe his face "You're dead.". Changbin and Felix were quick enough to avoid the milk that Jeongin threw at them but Seungmin wasn't. "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?" Seungmin locked the kitchen door and detached the pipe.

Jeongin and the other boys were smart enough to put the food away before Seungmin started spraying them, he was especially targeting Jeongin, leaving the poor boy drenched. "Let's team up on Jeongin." Seungmin smirked evilly, Felix and Changbin contemplated before agreeing.

Jeongin was attacked with milk, flour and water "Hyungs please help me." He cried "They are trying to kill me.". Chan knocked on the door "Is everything okay in there?" "Obviously not!" Jeongin screamed as Changbin was smearing flour in his hair.

Chan fumbled with the door, trying to get it opened "It's locked." he laughed "No shit Sherlock. HELP ME!" Jeongin fake cried. Chan finally got the door open, as soon as he stepped inside he was blasted in the face with water. "Man down." Chan shouted, dramatically gripping his chest.

Jisung charged in and snatched the pipe head, he sprayed the smaller boys until they raised their arms in surrender. "Another victory for the Alphas!" He shouted, gaining cheers from the others who had watched from a safe distance. "Yeah," Jeongin mocked "Whats the score now? Like 10-2?".

The other alphas just laughed when Felix dumped more flour on the boy. "Alright alright." Chan mused, shielding Jeongin from the boys who were about to attack him again "Leave our baby alone."
Jeongin rolled his eyes but let Jisung and Chan protect him until he was at the door, then he turned around and stuck his tongue out at the smaller boys.

He ran away giggling when Changbin lunged at him but was held back by Hyunjin "Leave Innie alone." he tutted. Once everyone was clean and the boys had an uneventful breakfast, they split up to do their own things.

Changbin grabbed a bottle of wine, a glass and his phone. He hadn't touched his phone since he had gotten home that night. He saw he had been added to a group chat by an unknown number

oMeGA beSTiEs🤪
Unknown number
Hey its Hueningkai

Jiminnie has changed this user's name
This is nice.

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