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"Okay,i liked that one. We'll keep it." The director smiled at them. Changbin and Changkyun sighed in relief, they had been stuck on the same scene for the past 2 hours. Changbin gently nudged Changkyun so the boy got off of him and flopped on to the bed.

He hurried to his dressing room and fixed himself, Changkyun was taking him to dinner to celebrate the release of the trailer. He may have omitted the fact that he was going to be alone with Changkyun from the boys but technically they didn't ask.

"His rut isn't until tomorrow, I'll be fine." He thought to himself. He did some finishing touches and went to meet Changkyun in the parking lot.

"Wow." was all the older boy could say "You sure you don't wanna join my pack?" Changbin rolled his eyes "Positive."

"Suit yourself." He shrugged and opened the door for the boy. "Chivalry isn't dead." Changbin teased, "Oh shut the fuck up and get in."

They found out they had the same taste in music, so the car ride consisted of Changkyun almost crashing because he was dancing too hard, them screaming the lyrics and loud laughter. Changbin recorded a few videos on snapchat of them acting crazy so he could post on his spam later.

By the time they arrived at the restaurant, they were both disheveled. The hopped out of the car with smiles on their faces and fixed themselves before entering the restaurant.  The one time Changbin decided to not look around for paparazzi, there they were, taking pictures and coming up with ways to get more views.

Of course Changkyun went all out and rented the entire top floor so they could have privacy. There was a balcony with a perfect view of the night sky so of course they opted to sit out there.  Apart from a few promiscuous waitresses and far too touchy waiters, dinner went well.

Changbin was taking a sip of his wine "Freeze! This is perfect for my story, stay just like that." Changbin snorted but complied. The way the light was hitting him made him look ethereal and glass of wine was the perfect finishing touch.

Changkyun took the picture and captioned it "My dinner date for tonight."  before posting it on his story. Changbin waited until Changkyun looked off to the side and snapped a picture. He looked at the picture and saw that it was actually really good.

Changkyun's side profile was amazing and his jewelry made him look expensive. Changbin decided to use the same caption as Changkyun and posted it.

"Binnie just added to his story?" Jeongin asked rhetorically "Yeah i got the same notification, isn't he supposed to be at dinner?"Hyunjin asked, leaning over Jeongin and clicking on Changbin's story.

"My dinner date tonight? What the fuck?" Jeongin asked confused "Wasn't it a dinner with everyone?" "That's the impression i got at least." Hyunjin said, taking the phone and typing something in.

"Look, it's on his story too." Hyunjin shoved the phone in Jeongin's face "That fucking hurt! Aww this is a nice picture of Binnie." Jeongin cooed.
Hyunjin smacked the back of his head "Look at the caption and who posted it, dumbass."

"Oh! I'm gonna dm him and ask him to send me this picture. Look he's even wearing my ring and Chan's necklace." "Focus." Hyunjin warned and pinched him "I already sent it to the alphas group chat BITCH! Can i not admire my baby in peace?" Jeongin yelled.

"Hey what are we screaming about?" Minho asked as he entered the room with Chan in tow. "Just Changbin, don't worry about it." Jeongin ruffled Chan's hair and left the room with Hyunjn. Chan's jaw dropped as he pointed to the door the younger boys just walked through "See what I mean? Even our maknae is treating me like a child."

Minho just laughed "He didn't mean it like that. Jeongin is also second in charge and taller that you, of course he wants to baby you a little.". Chan rolled his eyes "I don't care. Just because my rut is tomorrow doesn't mean everything will set me off."

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