Side story

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Chan noticed the omegas were flinching way too easily around them, were they really that scary?
Chan had been observing some strange behaviors in the omegas for a while now but it all started when Jeongin and Minho were playing a video game.

"Left! Minho he was right fucking there." Jeongin groaned, clearly annoyed "Well maybe if you stoped fucking yelling at me i'd be able to focus." Minho snapped back.

Jeongin rolled his eyes and restarted the game "Focus this time."  Minho just hummed and started playing. The other members were lounging in the living room, some were focusing on the game but when Felix came into the living room with a bowl of cookies almost everyone paid attention to him.

"Hey do you-" "No Felix move!" Minho yelled, Felix hurried out of the way so that he wasn't blocking them and decided to give the other members their cookies.

He finished and ran past the screen quickly to get to the other side of the room but apparently he wasn't fast enough. "Goddamn it Yongbok." Jeongin groaned and angrily threw his controller down.

Minho was clearly annoyed but stretched to get a cookie from the bowl anyway, Felix just saw Minho's hand coming toward him and flinched. It wasn't hard enough for everyone else to notice but Minho and Chan looked at him curiously.

"He didn't think I was going to hit him over a video game, right?" Minho thought to himself. Felix put the bowl on the table and left the room, Minho was about to follow him but Jeongin had already started another round.

He promised himself he would talk to Felix later.
Seungmin was cooking something for himself when Chan and Hyunjin walked in to the kitchen. "Seungmo! Whatcha making?" Hyunjin asked with a smile.

"Just some ramen, nothing much." Hyunjin just nodded and went back to Chan who was standing by the kitchen island.

The two of them were talking loudly and occasionally involving Seungmin, but they were staying in one place. So when Seungmin abruptly turned around with a glass of red wine  in hand, he was not expecting Hyunjin to be behind him.

The wine splashed on to Hyunjin's shirt and face leaving him, Seungmin and Chan all shocked. "Fuck." he said through gritted teeth and stormed out while removing his shirt

Seungmin immediately started cleaning up the floor, his actions were almost frantic, causing Chan to worry. "Hey, It's okay I can clean it." Chan said softly.

Seungmin shook his head and continued wiping  "No its my fault. I am so so sorry.". "Seungmin its okay." Chan tried to assure him but the boy had already cleaned the spot.

"I said i would do it. I'm going to go check on Hyunjin now." Seungmin jumped to his feet and was out of the room before Chan could even get another word in.

Seungmin carefully knocked on Hyunjin's door "Jinnie can i come in?" "Yes." was the gruff reply he got and he went inside. He saw Hyunjin shirtless on his bed scrubbing away at the stain.

Seungmin thought he looked angry but Hyunjin was just concentrating on trying to get the stain out. "I'm so sorry, i'll but you a new shirt.", Hyunjin wasn't really listening and just mindlessly responded with a "Mhm." and stood up.

He pointed at the wipes behind Seungmin "Hey could you pass me-" he abruptly stopped when he saw Seungmin flinch and bring his hands up. He threw the shirt somewhere and pulled the smaller boy into his arms.

Hyunjin felt his heart shatter when he felt how tense Seungmin was in his arms "I would never hit you, much less over a ten dollar shirt." he said as he rocked them back and forth. Seungmin didn't say anything, he just hugged Hyunjin tighter.

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