You wanted this

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True to their word the omegas barely spoke to them if it wasn't work related and Chan was really trying to stay true to his but he couldn't.

Felix jumped when he heard the door slam behind him but rolled his eyes when a strong cinnamon scent invaded his nose. "What do you want Chris?"
Chan didn't answer him so Felix looked over his shoulder.

Sure enough it was Chan, he stood with his back against the door and his arms crossed over his chest, he looked frustrated and cocked his head to the side when they made eye contact. Felix sighed and turned back around, continuing to grab his stuff.

When he got everything, he walked to the door but Chan didn't budge "Move." he said but Chan continued staring into his eyes. Felix was angry but he wasn't stupid enough to put his hands on the older boy especially not when he saw the dull ring of red in his eyes, so he tried again "Chan. Move."

There was no reaction to his words for the second time and he got frustrated "Holy shit Chris, stop being so fucking difficult and just move." he yelled in english, instinctively slipping into their mother tongue when they were frustrated was something he and Chan had in common.

This time there was an immediate reaction, Chan grabbed his jaw and squeezed it "I don't care how fucking angry you are, you still have to respect me." he growled lowly. Felix resisted the urge to bare his neck in submission and glared right back at Chan.

He pulled Chan's hand off of his face, massaging the area where bruises would definitely develop "Respect is earned. I don't owe you something you don't give me. Now move, i have some shitty interviews to do." he quipped.

"Can you fucking drop that? How many times do you want me to apologize for the same thing?" Chan asked "As many times as it takes for me to believe you're actually sorry. I haven't even accepted it and you're already trying to use your apology against me."

Chan pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed "Felix, I am sorry about everything. I truly mean that but you guys have to stop acting like this, even the staff are noticing something is up and its affecting their work."

"You know what your problem is Christopher Bang? You fuck things up and then you can't take the consequences of your actions when they come back to bite you in the ass. You did it with the Changbin situation, you did it with the Jeongin situation and you're doing it right now." Felix said angrily

Chan was about to speak but Felix put his hand up, indicating that he wasn't done "And you keep acting like we are just group mates that hook up, Chan this isn't a fucking joke. We are bonded for life, all eight of us. When our time as Stray Kids ends we are still going to be together. So you need remember that whenever you lash out at us unnecessarily, you are lashing out at the people you are spending the rest of your life with, not your business partners or assistants."

"I know Lix, I promise you I know that."
"Then act like it. Why do we have to stop being upset because of something you did? Take accountability for your actions and fix it yourself. Maybe Jimin was right." Felix said as Chan finally stepped aside and allowed him to leave the room.

"I know it sounds stupid." Changbin started but Jimin cut him off "No Changbin, this has gone past stupidity. This is so beneath you." Wooyoung sipped his wine and looked at Changbin with a smirk, as if saying "I told you so."

"I'm sorry but you deserve so much better. You act like you every alpha you've met hasn't fallen in love with you and wanted you." he continued. "No offense Seungmin and Felix but your alphas are selfish assholes."

"None taken, I have been telling him this since the night he got back from Jungkook's" Felix said with a shrug. "Look, the way i would have made them beg me to forgive them." Wooyoung chuckled.

Stray Kids OT8Where stories live. Discover now