Part 2

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It had been a few days since they brought the babies home, Changbin woke up and felt a little weird, not quite used to having an empty stomach but he didn't mind. Seungmin and Felix were on either side of him, both still asleep so he was going to go back to sleep when a wail ripped through the air.

This jolted Felix and Seungmin awake, the three of them just sat and listened. They heard Jisung and Hyunjin trying to calm the baby down but soon another one started crying, it all went down hill after that.

Soon enough Jeongin and Chan joined them but the babies kept crying, it sounded like all of them were crying at this point. Hyunjin sounded frustrated "I know you don't want to but we have to wake them up, what if they're hungry?" he said.

Changbin had heard enough and made his way to the living room, he saw Hyunjin patting a crying Haemin, Chan trying to put Jessi to sleep and Jeongin holding a miserable Jaesung on his hip,the rest were scattered around the room, struggling.

"Gimme." he said and Hyunjin immediately handed Haemin over, the boy instantly stopped crying. Seungmin took one look at Insung and shook his head "When is the last time he was changed?".

Jisung's eyes widened in realization "Oh that's why." he said sheepishly and ran off to change the boy. Yeji was just sitting with Minho calmly as Dori sniffed her, at least one of their children were calm.

Both Jaesung and Jeongin looked utterly exhausted and Changbin smiled at how similar they looked "Look how tired he is Innie, just let him sleep." Changbin said softly and kissed the baby's forehead, "I'm trying but every time i put him in his crib, he wakes up and cries." Jeongin said tiredly.

"You should consider the fact that he might want to sleep next to you." Changbin said, matter-of-factly. Jeongin thought for a second and nodded "You're right." he said before placing the boy to his side and laying down on the couch, the two drifted off almost immediately.

Felix had calmed Jessi down and was helping Hyunjin with Taehun. Changbin sighed and held Haemin more comfortably "Don't wake us up next time, figure it out."

Chan shrugged "It's good you're up, the godparents and grandparents are coming over." "Huh?! We didn't have time to cook or clean, we don't have any alcohol either." Changbin said and ran a hand through his hair.

"Um, you just had babies, i'm sure they would understand and if you're worried about the drinks, i could run to the store real quick." Minho said and stood up with Yeji.

"Uh uh, you're not taking our daughter to the store alone, you'll get swarmed." Felix said adamantly, "i'll go too with Insung. Don't worry, we have bodyguards and we'll cover their faces." Jisung said as he returned with a freshly changed and happy Insung.

They all looked at Chan expectantly, he shrugged "I don't see why not, they'll have to go out eventually but be careful." Chan said sternly, Minho nodded and grabbed the car keys.

They had been gone for ten minutes when Chan got a notification from twitter, it read "STRAY KIDS ARE FATHERS? read more to find out." Chan chuckled at the title and clicked the link, there were pictures of Minho and Jisung holding small bundles close to their chests and and being surrounded by security.

There were small flashes of skin so everyone knew exactly what the two were holding. An interviewer got too close and attempted to get a close up of Yeji but Minho punched him with his free hand and glared at the rest of them with red eyes, daring them to try what the man just did.

Chan smiled, he had to give Minho the biggest hug and kiss when he got home. Just like they said they would, Minho and Jisung shielded the babies' faces from the cameras at all times. He made the decision to not show the omegas the article though, not wanting to cause them unnecessary stress.

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