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( you guys have been begging for more baby content, so here it is. Their official last names are Bang but at home they call them either Bang or Yang.)

"Yang Jaesung." Seungmin scolded as the child tried to crawl away from him while he was trying to dress him, he scooped the boy up and smothered him in kisses. The boy screeched and wiggled about, only prompting Seungmin to kiss him even more.

Yeji was fully dressed and giving her parents and siblings a very unimpressed look. "Why is your daughter judging us so hard right now?" Changbin chuckled and nudged Minho.

Minho grinned proudly and picked her up "I've taught her well.". Jeongin rolled his eyes at the exchange and turned his attention back to Insung "Come on baby, its just for a few hours." he pleaded as he held up his shoes.

Insung saw them and started tearing up, Jeongin sighed and dropped the shoes before picking him up and rubbing his back soothingly "Okay, okay, no shoes. I promise."

"Nuh uh. Give him to me." Changbin said sternly and picked up the shoes. "Babe, he doesn't want to, just let him be." Jeongin said and held Insung further away from Changbin.

Changbin didn't say anything else, just kept his hands outstretched and after a while Jeongin cracked. "I'm sorry baby." he muttered and handed Insung over.

Changbin sat Insung on his lap and got the shoes on without any opposition from him. Jeongin's mouth gaped at this and Changbin chuckled "You guys spoil them too much, they can't even walk yet but they still walk all over you."

Jeongin collected him again and as soon as Changbin moved away he started trying to kick his shoes off. "No, no. Keep them on." Jeongin tried to be assertive but the watery eyes and wobbling lip, struck his heart.

"Aww, okay fine."  He said and took the shoes off, "But you have to put them back on later." he said as he put them in the baby bag they were packing.

Getting Insung to put on shoes was hard but Haemin was the one who made dressing him nearly impossible, cries so gut wrenching that even Changbin caved in sometimes. They always left him for last because all of them needed to be there.

"You know, taking forever to dress Taehun, doesn't mean youre not going to have to help with Haemin." Hyunjin scoffed and Jisung groaned "I don't wanna. He screams like we're abusing him."

"I know but we can't let our son go out in public naked." Hyunjin sighed as he picked up the clothes they had set out for Haemin. "Uh, i'm gonna go get a bottle for Jaesung, he's really hungry." Seungmin said and tried to backpedal out of the room.

"We'll wait for you, bring all of their bottles actually, they might cry when he does." Chan said with a grin, laughing when Seungmin pouted "You're not escaping this time."

Felix sat on the bed with Haemin in his arms, while Changbin took one for the team and approached him with the clothes in his hand, the boy immediately started squirming.

Felix pressed soft kisses to his forehead and spoke to him in an attempt to calm him down. As he did this he slowly turned him around so that Haemin couldn't see what was happening behind him and nodded at Changbin.

They genuinely had to plan in advance when they needed to dress him and they had come up with the best solution a couple of days ago. Changbin started to pull the shirt over his head and the wails commenced.

"Bring Yeji." Changbin instructed and Minho brought her over, she quickly grabbed Haemin's hand and squeezed it, like she understood what was happening with her brother. It mostly worked, Changbin finally got the shirt on but he backed away because he knew what was coming next.

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