Part 31

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A few weeks after Benji's accident

"Girl I can believe your getting married tomorrow" Stacie said shocked as herself, Aubrey, Beca, Chloe and Emily where at there last dress fitting for the wedding. Hailee was there too but she wasn't getting a dress fitted, chloe had already picked out a beautiful dress for the young girl to where on the wedding day.

Emily grinned from behind the curtain as her dress was currently been measured to make sure it was perfect. "I know I can't wait" the curtain opened and there she stood in her stunning wedding dress. Her brides maids where shocked none of them had seen the dress yet and where blown away by the younger girls choice.

"Let me be the first to say you look unbelievable" Beca spoke out as she smiled at the woman, Chloe had tears in her eyes "oh no not this again" The singer laughed as the redhead had to wipe away a few tears before speaking "you look beautiful Em"

Aubrey and Stacie where still speechless "come on spit it out" Beca patted Stacie's back to snap her out of her trance "oh sorry, You look amazing Emily" "you really do" Aubrey agreed

"Thank you guys it means a lot"

"How's Benji been doing?" Chloe asked as the frisk waited for Emily to have her dress removed and to pay for it. "He's been so much better, the stiches are still there but his hair has grown back and he's been feeling a lot better.

Emily and Benji's Wedding day

It was now the day of Emily and Benji's wedding. Beca was Emilys Maid of honour while Benji had his Bestfriend from work to be his best man. The mans name was Alex, the man was almost 6foot he had Pitch black hair and was pretty Muscly.

"Hey kid don't worry you'll be do fine" Beca laughed as she zipped out the back of Emilys dress before looking into the he mirror at Emily's nervous facial expression. "Thanks for Everything Bec" Becas smile grew and she shook her head.

"There nothing to thank me for" Emilys brides maids consisted of Beca, Stacie, Aubrey and Chloe. Some of the Bella's unfortunately couldn't make it and some others where sitting waiting for the ceremony to start. Benji has his best man Alex and a few other guys from work but he has brought back Uni from the treblemkaers. They where very good friends and talked all the time.

"Of course there is. You've done so much for me. Bringing me into the music industry. Helping me with my life choices giving me opportunities that's I wouldn't even get a chance at if u didn't give them to me. And I'm so greatful to have you as my bestfriend" Beca's eyes teared up but she didn't want to ruin her make up

"Aww Em, Look I'll always be there for you no matter what. Your just the little sister I never had. Now stop this cute talk before you make me cry and ruin my makeup" Both of them laughed before sharing a quick hug "now your gonna walk down that isle and make everyone drool over how hot you are"

"Are you guys ready?" Aubrey shouted from round the corner everyone was lined up and ready to walk down the isle all they needed was their Maid of honour and their bride. "Coming" The girls made there way round and Emily stood with her father who was telling her how amazing she look and how lucky Benji was and how proud he was of her.

Aubrey stood with Stacie at the front followed by Beca and Chloe then followed but he beautiful bride and her father. The music began to play and they all walked down taking their places. Benji was standing at the end wait a huge smile on his face. The man was wearing a maroon suit with a waist coat and some black fancy shoes. His hair had been freshly cut and styled along with his beard. He looked very smart.

Once he caught sight of Emily has eyes watered and his grin grew bigger. If that was even possible. Once her father gave her away Emily grabbed onto Benji's hand "hi" she smiled and the man grinned "hi"

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