Part 20

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It had been a week now since the accident and Beca was still in a coma. Everyday was getting harder and harder for Chloe she just wanted her wife to wake up.

The only time Chloe had left the hospital was to go to her Moms house to see Hailee. Chloe ended up explaining to the 6 year old what was happening to Beca since she hadn't see her mother in a full week Hailee of course had questions.

Chloe was currently at her moms house. Hailee was the sitting on her lap while Chloe spoke to her mother.  "I'm sorry this is happening to you Chloe" her mother's voices echoed through Chloe ears as she snapped out of the trace she was in.

"It's just so hard. Seeing someoen you love laying on a bed never knowing if there going to wake up. I mean we lost days this year. I can't lose Beca too" Chloe sobbed into her hands Hailee climbed off of her mother's lap and sat next to her cuddling into her side.

"Were talking about Beca here honey. She's a fighter she will wake up. She just needs time" Cindys soft voice spoke as she walked over kneeling down infront of her daughter and rubbing her knee softly.

"Mommy. I want to see Mom" Hailee pleaded lolking up at her mother who had removed her hands from her face to look at Cindy who just nodded her head.

Chloe never left Hailee see Beca because she was worried Hailee would be so so upset that she wouldn't be able to handle it. "Okay baby, I'll let you see your mom. But if you get uncomfortable you can come here with grandma okay" Chloe whipped her tears away before placing her hand on her daughters shoulder who smiled and nodded.

"Do you want to come to the hospital with us?" Chloe as her mother who nodded.

We and watched the singer hoping that's he would flinch or open her eyes at any point. I turned to look at the blonde who had her arms wrapped around me and her head in my neck. Aubrey was never beca's biggest fan but she still loved the brunette as much as we all did. Well maybe not as much as Chloe

"Stacie, Aubrey?" A soft and weak voice mumbled turning my head so I could look at the door where the broken redhead stood with her daughter hoisted on her hip and her mother behind her. "Hey, we came as soon as we could the earliest flight we could get was only an hour or so ago" Chloe put the smaller brunette down and walked over hugging me.

"Aubrey fell asleep?" She chuckled a little her eyes where red and puff and very swollen. I nodded and stroked the blondes hair.

Chloe picks her daughter back up and walked over to beca's bed. She sat down at the chair beside her and grabbed onto Beca's hand. The younger girl just stared at her mom who was laying in a bed helpless.

Beca was now able to breath on her own so she didn't have to be hooded up to any machines. All they waited for what for her to wake up.

"Mom?" Hailee chocked our looking up Chloe with tears in her eyes. "She can't talk honey but she might be able to hear you" the 6 year old stood up on her mother's lap and climbed onto the bed bedside her mom and lay down next to her. She kissed her cold cheek and whispered jsut lound enough for Chloe to hear.

"I love and miss you Mom. Please wake up mommy needs you. I miss playing soccer with you" Another year fell from Chloe's eye as she watched her daughter interact with her helpless wife.


Hours had past, Cindy had took Hailee back to her house for dinner while Chloe, Stacie, Aubrey and emily stayed at the hospital. Emily has arrived as soon as she finished work. Benji had been called into work the night shift. Benji was a director he had told work that they would need to delay everything until Beca had woke up and they agreed but they told him that needed to shoot this one overnight seen.

Finally!!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz