Part 32

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A month and a bit after the wedding of Benji and Emily. (Stacie's mother died a few days after the wedding and she had to fly back to Georgia to see and spend time with her family and to go to the funeral. Aubrey had been working and couldn't get the time off to go with her so she stayed in LA. Stacie had been back for a week now)

"Aubrey this isn't fucking funny anymore. Do you not realise how much that USB meant to me and you threw it away"  The Model screamed from across the room at the blonde who stood with her arms crossed at the door. Stacie's hands where in her face as she tried to hold back and anger and the tears.

"It was only a stupid USB if it was so important why didn't you put it somewhere rather then leaving it laying about" Aubrey shouted back in her defence the USB stuck was left laying the their shared desk and to her whatever's left on the desk after Stacie uses the desk usually goes in the bin.

"It was on out fucking desk it's not like I felt it in the bloody fridge Aubrey. Did you not think to even ask me before you threw it out?" She dropped her hands from her face her eyes had changed from a light hazel brown to a ragin dark chocolate brown.

"Why does it even matter what was so important about it" The Blonde shot back and Stacie rolled her eyes "It was a gift from Beca, she had wrote a song and recorded it and put it behind picture of me and my mother" Aubrey instantly felt bad she didnt know it was that important, "but thanks for throwing the last thing I had of my mom away" Stacie pushed past her fiancé grabbing her jacket and leaving to go into the dark night while slamming the door.

Aubrey felt guilty as hell she didn't know how to make up for this one.

Stacie had taken off getting into her car and driving far away from her home. The woman found herself at a bar she would go to with her friends. It was ok the outskirts of town and it was quite a private bar. It was a place Stacie would go with Beca to get away from paparazzi and stuff so they would have time alone to chill.

"A beer please don" Stacie said to the Grey headed man who stood behind the bar and smiled at one of his regulars. "Welcome back Mrs Conrad" He piped open a beer and placed it infront of her. "You okay" he asked kindly noticing some different about the model.

"Ah yeah I'm okay Don, just need an escape from like for awhile" She smiled a little at the man as she lifted her glass and pulled her wallet out her pocket as the tip of the glass bottle touched her lips.

A few hours went by and the brunette turned her phone on to reveal the many missed phone calls from her finance and a few from Beca. Stacie decided she would phone Beca back incase it was about something else.

The phone rang or a few seconds before the singer picked up "Stacie, hey. Are you okay?" The singer asked from the other side of the line, Stacie tried to hold it together "yeah I'm fine what's up" Stacie could feel the smaller brunette roll her eyes

"I know that's bullshit Stace, Aubrey phoned Chloe to see if you where here. Stacie where are you?" A fe tears fell out Stacie's eyes, "I'm at the bar Beca"

"How many drinks have you had?" The model counted the bottles on the bar there was 6 empty bottles and a half drank one in her hand. "7" she answered back softly

"Aw jesus, okay look I'm coming to get you. Don't drink anymore put Don on the phone" Rhe model handed her phone to the grey headed man

"Hello?" He wondered who the fuck he was speaking to. "Don it's Beca don't let her have anymore drink you hear me. I'm coming to get her"

The phone called ended and the phone was returned to the model.

It didn't take long for the singer to show up at the bar and see the drunken woman almost asleep on the bar. "Come on Stacie" back swung her arm around the girl and helped her out her seat on the bar stool and outside in her car. She proceeded to thank Don for holding the door open for her and paid him some a tip from Stacie wallet before saying goodbye to him.

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