Part 14

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The day after Franks death

Life had taken an unexpected turn for Beca and Chloe and their family. It had left a hole in their life's a void that couldn't be filled. Chloe was still on edge she couldn't tell if it was the best thing for her father or if this was some sort of curse that had struck her family.

Cindy and Chloe had a meeting with her fathers lawyer about his will of course everything was left Cindy and Chloe but when frank found out that Chloe and Beca where going to last he had also filled Beca into his will yet he told no one.

Of course Beca did not expect it neither did Cindy or Chloe but she was on the paper which means whatever frank had got split three ways but Chloe and Beca had both decided that they would use their share of the money plus some of their own to move Cindy out to LA to stay with them. Chloe didn't want her mother stuck out in Georgia without anyone.

Currently Chloe and Beca where lying in bed. The brunette was still asleep but the redhead didn't get any sleep she had been up all night thinking about what had happened with her dad. It was still early Chloe quietly pried herself off of Beca and made her way to the closest where she pulled out a pair of leggings, a tank top and light hoodie. The redhead grabbed her headphones and her phoned and headed out their hotel room.

The girl had started jogging, Chloe's best way of relieving stress was working out or going for a run. Beca loves working out when she had spare time it was something the two shared in common they both loved working out.

The red headed woman didn't really care how far or where she was running she just focused on brining as many calories as possible.


A tiny yawn came from the brunette, the woman searched around the bed for her fiancée but couldnt find her. She finally opened her eyes turning round to see an empty bed. "Chloe?" The singer shouted through the hotel room but heard nothing back. Beca shot up out the bed and went looking for Chloe, it wasn't a very big hotel room so she had to be somewhere but there's was no sign of her.

Chloe's phone was also missing, Beca grabbed her phone off the small nightstand pulling the charging plug out and calling Chloe's number. The phone rang a few twines before the women picked it up.

"Chloe, where are you?" Beca asked she was worried the of course Chloe had picked up the phone but she didn't know where she was or if she was okay.

"I'm okay Bec, I just went out a run. I didn't sleep at all last night and I needed to get my mind off everything . I'm on my way back now can you pick out an outfit for me to wear today please I'm just gonna come straight home and have a shower" Beca exhaled a breath that she didn't even know she was holding in.

"Yeah that fine babe, Be safe please. I'll see you soon" The brunette made the bed up and headed for the shower before Chloe's got back. Once the singer had finished she straightened her hair and applied a small amount of make-up.

As told she walked towards the small closes the ya her and Chloe's clothes were. She pulled out a pair of black ripped jeans and a plain white T-shirt. It was an average temperature outside so Beca picked out a pair of Light blue jeans and a top for Chloe to wear.

Both girls where heading over to see Beca's parents today like they where meant to do before the accident with Frank. The singer plopped down on the bed and scrolled through her social media waiting on the redhead getting back.

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