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Okay first I would like to that Black lives matter.
'No freedom u till we're equal,
Damn right I support it'

(I will not be talking about this subject right now because it's too touchy for me. But I may come back to it in a later point but I just can't right now)

Secondly this is not as important but I would really appreciate if you guys could help me out and leave a comment telling me things yous would like to see in future chapters.

Would you like to see Beca and Chloe have a very big argument

Would you like to see them talk about having another kid

Would you like to see them exploring the world

What would you like to see. I want to come writing this story but I also need help so I know what you guys want as I'm slowly running out of ideas. Please drop and comment and tell me what you want to see.

But please take into consideration what I said at the start of this.
All lives matter
After black lives matter 🖤

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