Part 28

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"Hailee look" The brunette pointed down the cobbled streets at her wife who was holding three cup and wrapped in warm clothes. The family was currently in Scotland and they where so glad they did their research because Scotland was not a very hot place even in summer.

"One coffee, One tea and One hot chocolate" Chloe handed out the drink to the girls. Talking Beca's hand for continuing to walk up the royal mile.

"This is so awesome. The atmosphere is incredible and streets are so cool" Beca's spoke after taking a sip of her coffee.

"Mom look over there" Hailee pointed towards a small crowd of people who where gather together in a circle watching some kind of performance. Beca could hear the faint sound of someone singing. Of course the artist wanted to have a look so walked over with Hailee and Chloe. Joining the crowd of people.

You got to let me go

Are we human?
Or are we dancers?
My sign is vital
My hands are cold
And I'm on my knees
Looking for the answers
Are we human?
Or are we dancer?

The crowd started clapping and cheering while the boy who was singing smiled brightly thanking them. As the crowd dispersed to continue there day Beca walked towards the boy. Placing a fiver in his guitar case

"Thank y- Wait your Beca Mitchell" His face was shocked and Beca just laughed "Yeah I am. You sounded amazing" Beca reached her hand out to shake his "Thank you thank your so much that means a lot. I'm Matt"

"You've got some real talent have you tried to get yourself more involved in music? Maybe a musician?" The boy smiled sadly and nodded "yeah I've tried but I've never had any luck it's my dream to play music professionally. I make a few quid out here busking but not enough I sometimes have gigs in one of the pubs not far from here but it's just not enough" Matt scratched the back of his head

"What pub?" The brunette asked taking another sip put of her coffee trying to warm up her face.

"It's called Sandy's Bell I'm playing tonight at 8:30 till 10:30"

Beca thought for a second "Okay I'll be there I want to watch you perform a real set" The black haired boys face dropped and he nodded "I'll be ready I hope that you'll enjoy it"

"Me too Matt me too. Have a nice day and I'll see you later on"'

"What was that about?" Chloe asked as Beca rejoined them but before the brunette answered she realised that Hailee had a tartan scarf on. "You could resist buying her one could you"

"Of course not look how cute she looks" The couple laughed and continued walking up the Mile. "Okay so I have our plans tonight. That lad that was singing has a set tonight at a bar called Sandy's Bell it's live music so Hailee can get in so we could have dinner there and a few drinks watch his set and then go back to the hotel. I think this kid has a big future and I want to help him as much as possible"

Chloe stopped walking and turned to face the brunette with a heartwarming smile. "You know your so cute"

Later at Sandy's Bell bar

The family had just had their dinner and where current sitting with there drinks waiting for the live music to start. Hailee was playing games on Chloes phone

Beca brought her hand down to rest on Chloe's thigh. "You okay babe?" The brunette asked pushing a small strand of Chloe's hair behind her ear.

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