Chapter 3

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Beca's POV

Two months later

It's been Two months since the car crash and Chloe's arm was healing nicely she was able to start doing thing by herself. She wasn't back at work yet but she was able to pretty much do everything except lift heavy objects. We're going to get her cast removed today then she probably going to have to attend physio until her arm has completely healed.

Today was also the day that we where releasing Emily's first hit song. Emily wanted it to be a special and there was going to be a party tonight for it. So we kept the release date till Chloe was out her cast.

I was sitting in my office going through some last minute paperwork while I waited on Chloe finishing getting ready. I sign the last document when I hear a knock at the door.

"Babe, I've told u before u can come in you don't need to knock" I tell Chloe who was still standing behind the door

"But I don't wanna disturb you and your work" The redhead stated as she made her way towards Beca. Chloe leaned down and placed a kiss on Beca's head.

"I bet your glad your getting that cast off" Chloe smiled down at her girlfriend "Of course I'm happy I can do more things with you and I can actually cuddle you without hurting u or myself" The redhead replied I smirked at her.

I look down at my watch and see that it's 12:37pm "Chloe your appointments at 1:00 we better leave now go put shoes on ill just put this stuff away and then we can leave" Chloe nods before trailing off to put a pair of shoes on.

I tidy up my desk and shut off my laptop then head of to grab my keys and wait at the door for Chloe.

A few minutes later I see Chloe come down the stairs. "You ready babe?" I asked her she's nods and grabs my hand and we head of to the doctors.

Chloe's POV

Myself and Beca were waiting on the doctor. We sat in a comfortable silence. Until my name was called. "You want me to come in babe" Beca asked sweetly I nod at her. I was kinda scared for my cast to come off as I've had it on for two months now and was so use to it.

"Good afternoon Miss Beale, How are you feeling today" My usually doctor asked "I'm okay Dr Adamson glad I'm getting this stupid cast off" Dr Adamson laughed then smiled at Beca.

"How about you Miss Mitchell how are you today" He smiled at Beca and she replied with "I'm great doc, I've got a beautiful girlfriend an amazing job and a can't wait for the future." I break into a big grin. Beca's smiles at me and blows a kiss.

"Sound like a great life Miss Mitchell, Miss Beale are you ready to have your cast removed." Doctor Adamson asked nicely

I replied "Of course I am" Beca moves to the other side of my bed and holds my good hand.

The doctor left but returned a few minutes later with a small electrical saw and a needle. "Oh Miss Beale this might sting a little" he warned and he injected me with the needle.

I started to feel a little drowsy, I lay my head back on the pillow and within seconds I was asleep.

An hour or so later

I could hear voices, Beca's voice and a very familiar voice. I slowly start to open my eyes, but I shut them straight away because of the light. I let my eyes adjust to the light before I fully open them.

I look to my left to see Beca and to my right to see my mother. "Well well look who's finally awake" My mother teased I just smile "What the time?" I ask my mother as I try find s clock in the small hospital room but can't see one.

Finally!!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora