Part 16

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It had been a few days since Beca and Chloe had brought Hailee home with them and the girl was really fitting in. She was having the time of her life with her new parents. Today Hailee would be meeting her aunties and uncle. The Bella's and Benji where coming over to meet Hailee for the first time. Well everyone apart from Aubrey and Stacie as they went back to Vancouver after Chloe's dad funeral.

Chloe was currently sitting at the breakfast bar writing away thing for her campaign while Beca and Hailee where in the backyard kicking about a football. "She's makes her way past the first defender, and then the next and then she shoots and scoressssss!" Beca commentated as she dove the wrong way and Hailee kicked the ball into the goal (two jumpers used as gaol posts) Beca raced over and picked the girl up placing her on her shoulders  shouting "And she scored championship goal!" The 6 year old was laughing and waving her hands in the air. "Beca!" Chloe shouted from in the house. Beca stopped running around the garden and shouted back to her fiancée "yes, my love" A second later a few familiar faces appeared from the patio doors.

"Hey guys" Beca greeted as she walked over with the girl still on her shoulders. "We where just celebrating the fact the wee one just scored into me" Beca lifted the girl off her shoulders and placed her back down on the ground. "Hey Hailee this is Auntie Emily and Uncle Benji, Auntie Amy, Auntie Lily, Auntie Rose(Cynthia), Auntie Jessica and Ashley and Auntie Flo" The girl was of course shy at first but she took a liking to Emily "Hey Hailee" They all said.

"Do you guys want any drinks?" Chloe asked stepping outside with her sunglasses on. "Yeah sure, I'll come help you" Benji spoke up going back inside with Chloe to get drinks.

"So Beca how does it feel to be a Mom?" Amy asked as she sat down at the table which was on the patio Everyone else doing the same. "Honestly I'm loving it. Hailee's amazing she's just so perfect" Beca explained as she sat down  and watched the 6 years old continue to play with the football except by herself. Benji and Chloe came back out with drinks.

"Beca come play with me please" Hailee shouted from across the garden Beca gave the group a small smile before heading over to go play with her daughter. "So she's just calling you by your first names?" Ashley questioned as she watched Beca interact with the 6 year old. "Yeah we don't want to push her to call us Mom or mommy. We just want her to trust us first and know that we are here for her so we are just going to let her do it in her own time" The redhead looked over at her fiancé who was letting Hailee score into her. "Aw that's so cute" Jessica cooed.

"You think she will be okay if I go over and play with them?" Emily asked curiously wanting to get in on playing some soccer. "Of course she will Em, Just go over" Chloe approved watching as Emily stood up and went over to join them.

Beca passed the ball out to Emily, who passed it to Hailee. The 6 year old ran towards Beca and passed it to Emily who flicked it over Becas head and played the back back into Hailee who kicked the ball past the two jumpers scoring. Hailee ran over to Emily and hugged her "your really good" the 6 year old said as she ran away to get the ball. "Wow Em I had no idea you could do that" Emily tapped her nose and grinned.

Her boyfriend completely shook as he had no she could do that either.

Chloe had snapped a picture of Hailee, Beca and Emily. She wanted to keep as memories of the little one as she could. Everything was going well until Hailee kicked the ball with some force and it flew into the air and smack Beca right in the face causing Beca to fall over and grab her nose. Chloe rushed over to see if Beca was okay. "Hey Bec, you okay" Beca sat up removing her hands from her nose to see blood all over her hands. "Yeah just a bloody nose" Beca laughed as she stood up and headed inside to wash the blood off her face.

"I'm sorry Chloe, I didn't mean it" Chloe leaned down and hugged her daughter. "It's okay sweetheart it was a mistake just be careful next time"  Hailee nodded her head and set of to find Beca.

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