Part 18

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1 weeks after the wedding

The small family had just landed back in LAX after coming back from there honeymoon in Paris. The couple took Hailee with them wanting to let the little girl experience the world with them.

Beca was going back to work in the studio in a week, Sony had been on Beca's back for awhile now every since Beca and Chloe took a break to go to Georgia to see there family's but didn't come back for awhile. Of course Beca had continued writing and producing new song but she still had to record them. She had gotten a new email from her boss at Sony telling her that she was getting a new producer to help her record her songs.

Gavin, her new prover had been keeping in contact with Beca through out her time off. The man wanted Beca to drop a new album with all of her new songs on it. Of course Beca was excited but at the same time she new she would be very busy if that was the case. So she took another week out to spend with her family before going back to work.

Chloe in the other had was spending anytime she had to herself working on her campaign. Chloe wanted to have another festival during the summer which was getting closer. The couple decided to put Hailee into school after the summer this gave the 6 year old a chance to have fun with her parents and family.

"Babe your phones ringing" Chloe shouted to the brunette who was in the kitchen. The brunette jogged into the room as Chloe handed her the phone. "Its your dad" Beca nodded slowly making her way back into the kitchen. Chloe was laying on the couch with Hailee who had feel asleep.

"Hey, dad." Beca spoke putting the phone on speaker and sitting it down on the counter as she continued to make her sandwich.

"Hey Bec. I have some news for you" Beca frowned her eyesbrows and tried to think of what her father wanted to tell her. "What is it?" Beca asked confused and worried at the same time.

"Me and Shelia are moving to La" Becas eyes widened with surprise. She did admit to Chloe a few times that she missed her parents a lot because they where so far away. "Oh my fucking god that awesome. Wait, what about Cindy?" Beca was beyond excited but Chloe's Mom popped into her head. If they where moving to La they would be leaving Cindy in Georgia herself.

"Don't tell Chloe because Cindy wanted to surprise her but she's coming too" Beca could go dropped dead in excitement her parents and Chloe's Mom where coming to live in La with them.

"This is great oh my. When are yous moving?" The brunette cut her sandwich in half and walked over to the fridge to grab a bottle of water. "We bought a house a few months ago and we can move in anytime from tomorrow so we have started packing our stuff up we will hopefully be fully moved in but he end of the week. Cindy is the same" John explained to his daughter who was jumping with joy.

"I can't wait okay, this need to be a secret we can't tell Chloe because it will be amazing. With you guys moving to La and Stacie and Aubrey coming home from Vancouver in a few days. You've made my day dad honestly" Beca spoke to her father a little longer before saying her goodbye and hanging up.

She made her way through to the living room where she handed the sandwich over to the 29 year old. The redhead sat up and took the plate from Beca thanking her as she did so.

"What was your dad saying?" Chloe as she turned to look at her wife, Beca shook her head and smiled "just checking in, asking how Paris was" Chloe nodded in response. The little girl next to them started to stir "someones was obviously tired" Beca chuckled as Hailee opened her eyes and yawned.

"Hey munchkin" Beca gently moved a piece of hair out of the 6 year olds face. "Do you want to go play some soccer and we can let mommy have some alone time?" Beca asked the younger girl and Chloe turned around with a soft look blowing a kiss to Beca. The 6 year old shot up and nodded before running away to the back door where she made her way out it it he garden. "You didn't have to do that" Chloe said moving the plate from her lap and sat it on the coffee table as Beca got closer.

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