Part 13

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Beca had just opened the door to her and Chloe's room in the hotel. She proceeded to pull a small duffel bag and put some clothes in it for herself and the a redhead. "Beca, what do you think will happen?" Emily as curiously everyone's heart was breaking for Chloe and Cindy all the Bella's where very close to Chloe's and Beca parents. Beca shrugged at the question as she continued to pack clothes.

"I have no idea, I mean on one hand he could be perfectly fine and on the other he could be dying. Chloe said the test results haven't came through yet so we will just need to wait" Beca sighed and zipped up the bag before laying down on the bed. She held her face in her hands for a few minutes before proceeding to wipe away a stray tear that fell down her face.

"I mean this is Chloe's dad we are talking about it's the only man in Chloe's life that she loved well apart from Benji but she a daddy's little girl and if her dad dies in afraid she will change" Stacie sits down next to Beca and placed her hand on the smaller woman's thigh.

"It will take some time but Chloe will be fine let's just get back to the hospital and find out what's going on, okay" Beca slowly nodded and got off the bed grabbing the bag and heading for the door.

Once the girls had got to the hospital most of the Bella's where still in the waiting room. The three woman head towards them to find out where Chloe's dad was. "Hey Amy do you know what room Chloe's dads in?" Emily questioned curiously as Beca and Stacie looked at the blonde.

Fat Amy shrugged "I don't know what room guys sorry" Beca chewed the inside of her lip she dropped the bag at her feet and kicked it towards fat Amy. "Stacie, Em yous stay here with eveyone I'm gonna go get a coffee and take a walk I need to clear my head" The younger brunette nodded at beca.

Before Beca could walk away Stacie grabbed her wrist turning the smaller girl around. "Hey, it will be okay" Stacie said pulling the singer into her hugging her tightly. "All we can do if pray he's okay" She heard a faint sob and hug the girl a little tighter kissing her hair. Once the smaller girl pulled away Stacie wipes away her tears. "Now go get your coffee, I'll text you if anything happens" Beca sniffled and wiped her glossy eyes she gave a small smile the the taller woman before replying with a small "Thank you"


The doctor had just left the room after telling the family about how the test results came back. Frank was still unconscious everyone was waiting on him waking up. Chloe, Cindy and Aubrey where crying their eyes out Chloe the most as she had always been a daddy's little girl. The doctor had just informed the women that her father had cancer in his heart the doctor said if he doesn't start getting better within a few months he could only have a small period of time to live.

This broke Chloe's heart all she wanted to do was hug him and spend time with him like she did as a little girl. But she also just wanted to be into Beca's chest. That clicked in Chloe's head 'where was Beca. Surly she's back by now' Thoughts flew through Chloe's head.

"I need to go find Beca" Chloe sobbed as she stood up and headed for the door when a hand grabbed her "I'm coming with you to find Stacie" Chloe looked back to her mother who was wiping her eyes with a tissue. "Are you going to be okay alone Mom?" Chloe asked through her tears her mother just nodded as she looked towards her husband.

The two women set off to find their other half's heading towards the waiting room they found Stacie who was leaning against fat Amy with her eyes closed once they got closer the two women realised she was asleep. Aubrey sat down next to the tall brunette shaking her a little.

"Stacie, baby" Aubrey whispered into her ear causing Stacie to stir from her light sleep. "Stacie" Aubrey spoke a little louder gently shoving her again Stacies eyes flew open but closer due to the bright light. Once the girls eyes opened they where full of concern. "I'll tell you what happen just come with me" Aubrey said quickly as she pulled Stacie up out her seat and towards the stairs.

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