Part 15

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3 weeks later

Things had been difficult for the couple Chloe was stilling grieving for the loss of her father but was getting better each day. Beca, Stacie, Emily Aubrey and the others would try spend as much time as possible with the redhead. The group stayed in town for a another week then they where meant to for the funeral and then headed home.

Beca and Chloe where currently laying on the couch in there home in La watching a movie. The couple had been planning some stuff for there wedding before hand and had gotten so tired that they flicked a movie on and lay down. But there was something playing on Chloe's kind that she just couldn't shake.

"Bec?" Chloe spoke softly playing with beca's hair the singer slowly opened her eyes and replied "mhmm" Chloe sat up making the brunette groan and sit up to. "I want to have baby" Chloe blurted out Beca's worries eyes turned soft and she grabbed Chloe's hand taking it in her's. "You do?" The redhead looked up at the girl in front of her and nodded Beca smiled at her and placed her hand under Chloe's chin and moved it to look Beca in the eyes. "Me too" Chloe's eyes widened and her jaw dropped to the floor.

"Really?" Tears filled Chloe's eyes and beca moves closer and placed her hand on Chloe's cheek gently. "Yes I do, I thought it for a while and I want to have kids with you" A tear feel down Chloe's face and Beca was quick to wipe it away placing a passionate kiss on Chloe's lips.

"But, I was to adopt and have a biological child of my own. I always grew up thinking about adopting" The singer said quietly hoping that the redheads reaction would be positive. "Oh my gosh yes that so cute" A grin appeared on Chloe's face and she jumped towards Beca smashing there lips together before pulling away and shouting "were going to have a baby!"

A month later

The couple had told everyone there plans to adopt and Beca and Chloe and spoke about it a lot and they can to the conclusion they wanted to adopt first and they wanted the child to be at their wedding. Since the wedding would be in a few months they wanted to adopt soon and be able to bond with their child before rushing into getting married and getting them to meet their family and friends.

Today was the day Beca and Chloe were going to the adoption Centre to talk and try pick what chikd was perfect for them. Let's be real they didn't want a new born jsut yet as they wanted to experience for the first time the self worth their biological child but they also didn't want a teenager as they wanted to watch the kid grow up. So they where looking between the age of 4-10.

Both of the girls where so excited they couldn't wait to meet hopefully their new son or daughter. "I can't wait babe" Chloe said biting back her smile as her knee bounced up and down in the car while Beca drove. "I know it's so exciting I can't believe this is really happening" Beca pulled into the centre where the couple tried calming them self's down before heading inside.

"Hello, can I help you?" The woman at the front desk asked. "Hi, yes you could. We where thinking about adopting a child" Beca's hands became very sweaty as she started getting nervous Chloe realised and used her thumb to slowly stroke over beca's hand. "Oh that's amazing, I'm Alice and I can definitely help you with that" the woman said standing up and gesturing for the couple to follow her. She took them towards a office where there was a few seats and a wall full of pictures of kids. The woman sat behind the desk and Beca and Chloe took a seat looking at the wall of kids.

"Okay so, do you have any preference for the child you would like to adopt?" Beca and Chloe looked at eachother, they had spoke about what they wanted and at the end of the day they just wanted a good kid that they could take care of. "Um a yes just the age so age would be between 4 and 10" Chloe spoke to the woman and the lady began typing away at her computer.

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