Chapter 22

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   -Tuesday, December 20th-

   "Zak.Zak.Zak.Zak.Zak.Zak. Wake up! Wake up! Come on we have to pack for our flight!! Come on!!! Waaaakkkkeee uuupppp!!!!!!" I jumped on the corner of Zak's bed, which I was told not to do, and tried to wake him up because I was excited to go back home to my family.

   "What!!??" He kicked his legs and smacked me in the shins, knocking me off the bed and face planting into his carpet. "God Damn it Katie I told you to stop doing that!" He yelled. I pushed myself off the floor and stood up. "I told you to stay out of my room and to stop waking me up like that! Now get out!"

   "But-" I started saying.

   "OUT!" He screamed and shot his finger towards the door.

   I hung my head and walked out, slowly closing the door behind me. Why can't he get up early like me? It's almost 10:00 am and he's still sleeping.

   "Oh well," I whispered to myself then raced downstairs then jumped on the couch and turned on cartoons.

   After awhile I got bored but I had so much energy stored inside me that I wanted to do a thousand things at once. My fingers vibrated with cafenine, though I had nothing this morning, and I sat on the couch and tried to organize my thoughts.

   We didn't leave for Georgia until the afternoon so I had plenty of time. Well, since I got on the cheerleading squad, I've been wanting to freshen up on my flips and cartwheels.

   I moved everything out from in the living room so I had space and then started to flip back and forth, did a few hand stands, headstands, cartwheels, one handed chartwheels but nothing seemed to drain me of my energy.

   Wait. I had an idea.

   I ran upstair and grabbed my iPad then ran back downstairs and sat at the counter.

   I downloaded this music app that allowed you to be able to play any instrument and create a song. Well, I decided to start making my own music like Zak did and maybe somebody would like it and want to make it into a CD and put it on iTunes.

    "Let's see," I thought of things that I could write about.

    My family.......nah.

   My life.......nah.

   Love.......yuck. not yet.

   "Wait," I whispered. "I got it."

   I quickly typed on the keyboard,

   Zak's Song

   I started creating my chorus, versus, lyrics, all in an hour. I kept playing the music back and fixing a few things here and there but once I was done, I saved it then listened to it on repeat. My favorite line was:

   ~My life was dark/My life was hard/You helped me see the sunshine/I never ever ever thought you'd be my herooo/This is Zak's sooooooonnnggg/~

   I started creating other tunes for a while until I heard Zak coming down the stairs.

   I jumped from my seat and ran over to him.

   "Hey, Zak. Guess what I did! Guess what! I-" 

   "Shut up." He said. I stopped jumping and looked at him.

   "When are we leaving for the airport.? Are you all packed? How long will it take?" 

   "Shut up!" He lashed. Zak was in the middle of making his breakfast but then stopped to yell. "Nick is coming to pick you up and take you to his house. Then he's gonna take you to the airport. Now sit down, shut the fuck up, and leave me alone." I turned his back and ate his breakfast.

My Hero, Zak BagansTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang