Chapter 15

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I got up and got dressed really quick then slid down the stairs and tripped at the end. I picked myself off the floor and brushed myself off and went to the kitchen. I didn't see Zak cooking breakfast like he usually does so I proceeded to make my own. I only had a little bowl of cereal and an orange before he came down the stairs in his boxers. It was the first time I've seen him without pants and it shocked me a little.

"Whoa dude, put some clothes on." I blocked the lower half of his body with my hand and proceeded to eat.

"Who are you?" He stopped where he was a looked at me with a confused look on his face.

"What do you mean who am I? I'm your daughter." I stopped eating.

"What? I have no children. You must be mistaking me for someone else. Now please get out of my house before I call the sherif." He was really calm for some who thinks a stranger is in their house. What really confused me was the sherif thing.

"Sherif? There's no sherif." I slowly got out my phone and started dialing Nick's number.

"What is that?" He pointed to my phone. I ignored him and focused on the ringing.

"Hello?" Nick answered.

"Hey, it's Katie. Something's wrong with Zak." I kept my eye on Zak the whole time.

"What's going on?" Nick asked.

"He doesn't remember he has daughter, he thinks there's a sherif, and he didn't know what my phone was." I looked at Zak and realized he was sleeping, standing up.

"Did anything else happen?" Nick asked.

"Yeah, he's sleeping right now. Standing up. I don't understand, he was perfectly fine when he woke me up. I mean, he was saying my name and knew that I had school."

"Try and wake him up." Nick suggested.

"Ok." I got off my stool and went over to where Zak was standing and placed my hand on his shoulder while holding the phone to my ear. His shoulder was freezing cold and I tok my hand away and gasped.

"What?" Nick asked.

"He's freezing cold. Does that mean anything?" I asked. I pressed my hand against his forehead, still cold. "He's not running a fever." I got a concerned looked on my face.

"Ok. Still try and wake him up."

"Ok." I put my hand back on his shoulder and carefully shook him. "Zak? Wake up." His eyes opened and he looked around then focused on me.

"What?" He rubbed his eyes.

"Are you okay?" I still had Nick on the phone.

"Yeah, why?" He looked around.

"Is he okay? Is he responding to you?" Nick asked.

"Yeah, he just seems a bit confused."

"Okay, well call me if anything else happens." Nick directed.

"I will. Bye." I hung up and put my phone in my back pocket.

"What was that about?" Zak asked.

"Do you remember anything?" I asked him. After that I heard a knock on the door and went to go open it.

"Hey, Katie. You ready for school?" Ginger Grace stood there with a smile on her face. I looked back at Zak and she must've as well because when I turned around she had an interesting look on her face.

"Yeah I'm ready. I just need to grab my bookbag and we'll leave." I closed the door and ran up to my room to grab my bookbag. I also grabbed a hairband and necklace. I slid down the stairs and Zak was sitting on the couch watching tv. I ran over and kissed him on the cheek then ran to the door. "Bye. Love you." I closed the door and Ginger Grace and I started walking to school.

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