Chapter 32

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It's been almost two years since I quit Ghost Adventures. I didn't want to be in Las Vegas anymore so Zak enrolled me in the best boarding school in London. I felt that if I stayed with Zak then I wouldn't get past the fear of all the lockdowns I had been on leading up to my last.

I've been staying in London for the past two and a half years and in just 6 months I will turn 18 and live my own life. My life these days has been so much more relaxing now that I didn't have spirits following me home or being completely drained when I went back to school. My dorm is perfect for me and my roommate, Anna Marie. After seeing Frozen, she made everybody start pronouncing it  AW-NA like the movie because she said she liked the way that one sounded. I tried to keep my past behind me, including Ghost Adventures and lucky for me the show wasn't as popular in the UK as I thought it would be so it helped to hide myself even more. I was tired of being the popular one or the one that everybody knows of but not about.

"Did you study for Mr. Hawthorn's exam?" Anna Marie made small talk with me while we got ready in the morning. I was applying my make up and she was walking around the room in her underwear trying to find her uniform skirt. Since living in Las Vegas I cut my hair to about half way down my back rather than passed my butt. I also got my ears double pierced and, to my surprise, grew two and a half inches putting me at a stunning 5 foot 2.5 inches tall.

"I guess." I said. It was much easier for me to study now that I wasn't being dragged around the country chasing ghosts all the live-long day. "I mean, the essay questions he gives us are so easy but the multiple choice fuck me up for some reason." I had finished my make up and was tying my tie as Anna Marie was finishing buttoning her shirt.

We walked around town a little bit before our first class and stopped at a cute café just around the block from a cemetery. We go there often enough that everyone I see the cemetery I think of Zak. Weird correlation, right? We sat down at our usual table in the front, looking out onto the street. I ordered my hot chocolate and Anna Marie ordered her hot tea and a muffin to share.

We were just getting settled in and began joking around when I took a quick glance out the window and saw Zak, Nick, and Aaron on the other side of the street. Nick and Aaron with their cameras perched up on their shoulders. I quickly turned away and covered my face with my hand hoping they didn't see me. Since I had made the decision to go to London, Zak has tried his best to keep it a secret from everyone, including Nick and Aaron.

"What are you doing?" Anna Marie was looking out the window and then back at me, trying to figure out what I was freaking out about.

"Shh. Don't look." I tapped her arm when she would look out the window. "My father is here. In London." I grabbed my book bag and Anna Marie followed. I wanted to sneak out past them because I knew they were all here for one thing: a lockdown. We ran out of the café just as I heard my name being called. I stopped and let out a deep breath before turning on my heel and facing the voice. It was Nick.

"Hey kiddo." Aaron said as both of them came up to me. They each have me a hug and I shot Zak a death stare. "So this is where you've been hiding? In a uniform and café?" Him and Nick chuckled.

"Well, yeah but the real question is what are YOU doing here?" I was looking and Nick and Aaron but my question was really for Zak.

"We had a lockdown near here and I didn't know you were going to be in this area at this time. I've been trying to steer clear from your school because I figured that's where you would be." Zak defended himself and I understood but I was still a little pissed.

I introduced the guys to Anna Marie and Zak and I talked privately for a little bit before he offered for me to stay with them for a few nights.

"And" Nick started to add. "Maybe you could come on the lockdown with us."

"No." I shot him down faster and ruder than I ever did before. I felt bad but then again I really didn't want to go on another lockdown and I didn't want to go back to that life style at all. I was happy here and doing what I was doing and I really didn't want to ruin it. Besides, I had a like three months left until graduation and I didn't want to jeopardize it.

I grabbed Anna Marie and told the guys that we were going to be late. As we were running down the street, Anna Marie stopped to catch her breath.

"Katie?" She asked when she was done.

"Yea?" I replied, looking around to make sure the guys didn't follow us.

"What's a lockdown?"

"A torture technique they use in Hell."

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