Chapter 33

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Zak called me after my classes that day and offered me the hotel room again. I declined it again and asked him why he was here in the first place.

"I thought we agreed on a private school for a reason. I wanted to finish school before I would go back to Ghost Adventures." I said. I was trying to put my foot down in the situation. I had changed into yoga shorts and a sweatshirt and Anna Marie was already asleep in her bed before I got there.

"Hun, I'm sorry but how was I supposed to know that you were going to be at that exact place at that exact time? Nick and Aaron haven't heard anything from you in like two years. They miss you."

I didn't want him pulling any of that guilt trip with me but it was effective and he knew it. I was pacing around my room talking with him when my boyfriend, Owen, walked in. I held up my index finger to motion for him to give me a second so he waited on my bed. Anna Marie was sleeping but she liked Owen so she gave him permission to come in whenever he wanted. Owen and I weren't the only Americans at Royal Scholar Academy but we were the first one each other met when we were first enrolled here. Owen and Anna Marie are the only one's who know my family tree and history and they have been sworn to secrecy about it. Not as much the Zak part because when I told Anna Marie, she had no clue who I was talking about but when I mentioned my mom, Misty, and dad, Payton, she got really excited and more appreciative that I was her roommate. I sat down on my bed next to Owen and put my head on his shoulder while listening to Zak talk about what's been going one since I left Vegas and moved here.

"I Just don't think you should give up on us just yet."

"I'm not giving up on anything. In fact, I think I'm doing the exact opposite by taking myself out of the picture and focusing on me until I can graduate and become more involved with you guys. Besides, I do have a life of my own, or have you forgotten about that?" I started to get smart with him and I didn't intend to but everything right now was just piling up and I didn't want my life to get jumbled or stressful because an evil spirt hitched a ride from some spooky castle and have it disrupt Anna Marie and I in our dorm.

"Don't start the attitude young lady. I was just suggesting that you spend some time with your family and friends that haven't seen you in years. Or have you forgotten about them?" He reversed my words and made me eat them and I hated that but he also had a point. It hurts when I try to think of the reason I didn't tell Nick and Aaron that I was going to London and that makes me feel so ashamed of myself back then. How could I do that to them? I usually end the internal argument by blaming it on my mental state after my last lockdown. I mean, I was a mess and I wasn't thinking straight. But straight enough to quit Ghost Adventures? My mind ran in circles whenever I tried to verify my actions leading up to London but I can't regret them because I love everyone that I've met here and the life that I made for myself as a normal teenage girl that just wants to learn.

"I'm sorry, okay? I'll try to swing by this weekend but there are no guarantees because I have homework to do and Owen and I were going to see a movie." Owen looked at me the second I told the lie and I motioned for him to be quiet.

"Why don't you just skip the movie and bring Owen here. I would like to finally meet him if that's okay."

I pretended I was thinking about it but I guess it wouldn't be such a bad idea for Owen to meet Zak. I'm just unsure how Owen will react to being thrown into my family like that because I told him that if he meets one then he needs to meet all of them. I forgot I was still on the phone when Zak repeated his question.

"Oh, uh sure I think we can reschedule. Where are you guys staying at?"

He gave me the address and told me to call when we were in the lobby on Saturday. I hung up and turned my attention to Owen who was waiting patiently for ten minutes and Anna Marie who woke up from her half hour nap.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2017 ⏰

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