Chapter 29

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 This one man called himself Zak. He had a gothic look to him. Black tight shirt that pressed perfectly against his muscular chest. It looked about two sizes too small but it was hot. His pants were a dark shade that sat snug on his hips and was secured with a black belt with a silver buckle. His shoes were a bright cherry red which puzzled me because it didn't quite go with the outfit. His hair was a glossy black that had been teased and molded into a spiky mohawk. His greenish eyes stared into mine with a rush of love and worry. He had a little bit of scruff that only sprouted from his chin and upper lip.

  The next one had a shaved head and a full grown goatee. He called himself Aaron. His facial hair was a dark brown, maybe even black. His brown eyes were fixed on me and it felt like he was staring into my soul. He had a dark look to him just like the other guy except his wasn't as black. His grey shirt was loose around his skinny chest. He had a utility jacket on him that was unzipped. It was full of different things and electronics that were strapped in to pockets. His pants looks like dress slacks that were secured with a belt just like the other guy.

   "I have no idea who you guys are. Where's my mom? Where's Emma Mason?" I tried getting out of the bed but both of the guys told me to lay back down.

    "Katie," Aaron said. "How old are you?"

    "What's it to you? Creep." I wondered why they were talking to me. "How do you know my name?"

    "Just tell us." Zak said. I looked at them suspiciously before I answered.

    "7." I shot them a look. "And a half."

    "Oh no." Zak said. "Call Misty." He told Aaron.

    "Mimi? You know Mimi?" My face lit up. Last time I talked to Misty she was on tour. I saw Aaron turn away and start dialing on his phone. I wanted to talk to Misty first but these men weren't letting me.

    The Aaron guy came back. "I told her about Katie's situation."

    "And?" Zak asked.

    "I wanted to talk to Mimi! Why did you hang up?" I wanted to throw myself a temper tantrum but I told myself not to.

    Aaron started speaking again. "She said that Katie has only lost her memory one other time and they brought it back by smacking her in the face."

    "Smacking her?" Zak repeated.

    Aaron nodded. "As hard as you can."

    "I can't smack her. What if it doesn't work and she gets hurt?" Zak argued.

    "Sorry bro. That's what she said and I believe her so if you won't do it, I will." Aaron shot back. Zak looked away for a second. "Bro. She doesn't remember you or me or anything but her old life. If you don't find a way to regain her memory, she's be brought back to Georgia to live with Misty."

    "Fine. I'll think of something." Zak looked back at me. "Um… Sweetheart. We are friends of Misty and she asked us to take you on vacation last week. You had an accident and you don't remember anything so we just want to bring you memory back. We need to take you back to Las Vegas with us so then Misty can come get you. Okay?'

    "Okay." I smiled. Then  I grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him closer to me. "But I swear if this is a trick you will regret ever meeting me and YOU will be the one who doesn't remember anything." I let go and the paramedics loaded me into the ambulance.

         -Las Vegas, Nevada (3 days later)-

    So Zak said that I had to live at his house until Misty could come get me. He said I might have to stay for a week or so. I didn't argue because I was in Vegas and I thought Zak would get mad if I complained. I had to limp my way around everywhere because the doctors gave me a boot for my broken ankle.

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