Chapter 18

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When GG and I were walking home that same day I decided to give the photography place a call.

"Gwen's Photo Oppurtunity, how many I help you?" A man with a very deep voice answered.

"Hello, my name is Katrina Bagans. I'm calling to see if you could possibly have any opening for me before Thursday. I want to do a special photoshoot for my father."

"Bagans?" The man waited until I was done to sound suprised. "Are you by any chance related to Zachary Bagans?"

"Yeah. He's my father." I looked at GG and she chuckled once she realized what he said.

"We have an opening tomorrow at 2:30. Is that okay for you?"

"Um, can we make it like 2:45 or 3:00? I have school tomorrow and we get out at 2:30." I unlocked the door and GG and I walked in. I through my keys on the counter and sat on the couch.

"Of course. I'll move your oppointment to 3:00. Is there anything else?"

"No that will be fine. Thank you." I hung up then turned to see GG siting uneasy on the couch. "Are you okay Ginger?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. I'm just a little.....frightened of your house." She scanned the entire first floor.

"You're still scared from what happened to me a couple weeks ago?" I asked.

"Uh yeah." She looked at me like I was stupid. "You may be use to demons and possesions but I'm not." She started to shake really badly. "No. I can't do this." She quickly got up and ran to the door. "Sorry Katie, I'm just too scared of your house." She ran out the door and I stood in the middle of the living room in shock.

@Katrina_Alex_Bagans Stupid house. because of you my best friend is terrified to even step foot in here.

I roamed around the house for hours because I had nothing to do and no one to hang out with. I finally tired myself out so I went downstairs and took a nap on the couch. I had a weird, creepy, and disturbing nightmare.

I was back in Jamaca but I wasn't in the house, I was walking down the deserted streets. I was wearing my normal clothes and had my hair in a loose side-braid, the way I had it when I fell asleep. I continued to walk down the street until I saw a man digging a hole in his yard. He looked like a farmer with his faded blue jean overalls and light blue long sleeve shirt that was rolled halfway up his forearm. His big straw hat covered his face so I didn't get a good look at his face but I noticed his hands were very, very, VERY pale. I walked up to him and gently tapped him on the shoulder then stepped back a little.

"Excuse me. Do you know where everbody is?" At first he didn't do anything so I tapped him again. "Exuse me." I said a little louder. He stopped what he was doing and slowly looked at me with a nasty look on his face. Once I saw his whole face I noticed he was the same man from the lockdown.

"Better watch it you little pest!" He hissed at me. I'll admit, I was terrified but I didn't want to run away. But I think I went a little too far this time.

"Or what?!" I hissed back. He growled at me then quickly grabbed my throat and squeezed. I noticed sweat dripping into his long beard and mustache and figured that if his face was sweaty and wet then maybe his hands were too. I tried to loosen his grip but it was no use, he was wearing gloves. He slowly lifted me off the ground and I began to choke even faster.

"You will NEVER forget me." He hissed back one more time then dropped me into the hole he was digging and I kept falling and falling and falling. I never thought I was gonna stop but I did and I hit the ground, hard.

I woke up with a pounding headache, my heart jumping out of my chest, and Sandy knelt next to me with both hands on my shoulders.

"Katie, are you okay?" She focused on my eyes and I focused on hers.

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