Chapter 5

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   Once I said it I looked at Zak and could already tell I shouldn't have. He looked heartbroken at the fact that he tried to seriously hurt me. He started to leave the room and I felt like I had been very rude and now I felt bad. He left the room and Nick and Aaron looked at me. I did not like it, it was uncomfortable.

   "Zak wait." I got up and tried to catch up with him. I got to the hallway and he wasn't there. "Zak? Where are you? I need to talk to you." I searched in our room, Nick's room, and Aaron's room but I couldn't find him. I went back to our room and sat on the bed. The door was open and I really didn't want to close it. I looked around and saw no sign of Zak. Where could he be? I was starting to worry. For no reason at all I started to get very angry. I took a pillow and through it at the dresser. Everything on it was knocked down. I started screaming very loudly. I punched the wall and the pain didn't bother me, in fact I enjoyed it. I wanted to stop so badly but I couldn't. I kept punching.

   I saw Nick and Aaron come in and try to stop me. They tried talking to me and asking me what was wrong. I didn't answer so Nick picked me up and carried me out of the room. I screamed and kicked and thrashed around but he still had a tight grip on me. When we got to the hall all my anger disappeared. Nick set me down on the floor and I didn't say anything, I just stared at the room.

   "Nick? What happened? Is she okay?" Zak finally left his mysterious hiding place. He was bent down next to me and started asking questions. I didn't understand anything, it was like he was speaking a different language. I looked down at my hands, they were bloody. Sometime during my tantrum I had punched glass. The smell finally reached my nose and it was overpowering. It took 2 seconds for me to pass out.

   Another nightmare. I was in a room with no walls, no floor, and no ceiling. It was blood red and smelled like it too. Another thing I noticed, I was standing in a line. There was about 3 people ahead of me and about a billion behind. There was also a lady at the begining of the line with foot long, razor sharp nails. She was the same women I saw in my last nightmare. The one in the purple dress and long jet black hair. The people in front of me walked up to her and lifted up their shirts to expose their stomaches. Then the women would slash at them with her nails. None of them screamed, instead they shouted "more! More!" I was next and I was begining to think I died and went to hell. But I couldn't think of how I ended up here. Oh no, I'm up. I lifted my shirt like the rest of them and she raised her hand and slashed my stomache. I was prepared for the pain but I didn't get it. Instead I gotten a tingling feeling and it felt good.

   "More." I said. She raised her hands and slahed one after another until the tingling feeling turn to a burning senation. "Stop!" I shouted. She lowered her hands then made a 'V'. I screamed then woke up.

   I was in the hospital with 3 bodies surrounding my bed. Zak, Nick, and Aaron. I moaned. My whole body was stiff and my hands were bandaged.

   "What's going on?" I asked.

   "You were asleep for 4 days. We were begining to worry. I mean you passed out in the hotel after you destroyed the room with your fists so we weren't sure if you were ok or not." Nick said. I looked at myself and realized I was still in my clothes. My shoes were still off and my necklace was in my pocket. I got out of bed so I could stretch and my belly felt like someone stabbed it. I clenched it and fell to my knees. All of them ran over to help me up but all I did was lift up my shirt.

   "Zak, what is that?" Aaron asked.

   "Why you asking me bro? I don't know what it is. They weren't here yesterday." I looked down and saw claw marks. They weren't just random claw marks, they spelled something.



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