Chapter 31

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After the lockdown, I had trouble sleeping. Every time I would close my eyes I would imagine myself back in the room with the old lady and her blood curdling voice. It forced me to wake up every hour drenched in sweat and panic. I was loosing myself in the fear and I couldn't control it.

"Zak?" I peeked my head into his room. It was around 2 in the morning and I had a nightmare again. I saw him roll over and look at me. "I had another nightmare." He would wipe his eyes and just to adjust his bedhead then motion me over to his bed. 

"Darling, you know I love you. But this has been going on for months." He was groggy and zoning out. "Why don't you do something to clear your mind. Like drawing or singing or some shit." 

I know he meant well when he said that but I still needed some better support. I nodded and left his room. I was about to head back to my room when I took his advice and tried to clear my mind. I mean, having a terrifying old dead person charging right at you while you're alone in an abandoned place isn't really an image you can just brush away. I went down stairs in the dungeon and just started talking.

"Alright, bitches. I need to clear my mind. So, how about you tell me why the hell you're still here? Go into the light for God's sake." After I said it, I realized I was going crazy so I went back upstairs. 

Zak was sitting on the couch flipping through the channels before turning it off. He must have heard me because he turned around and we just kind of stared at each other. I've been with Zak for almost a year and a half and now that it's 2014, and I'm 15 and a half so we've just grew connections that I never would've dreamed about.

"So...How are you feeling?" He broke the silence and I realized that it was still 4 in the morning. I felt like I may?

"Um, Zak?" My voice cracked a little which almost made me cry. "I-I think that-" I had to stop. I didn't know how Zak would react and I knew he was too tired to have his full thought process working.

"Yea? Are you okay?" He turned his body and hung his left arm over the back of the couch to look at me.

"I just wanted to say that, um.." I really couldn't get out the words and it was starting to frustrate me. My breathing got heavier and my palms started sweating. I knew that if I didn't get it out now that I would hate myself forever. Zak was still looking at me. His face was hidden in the dark but I could feel that he was rolling his eyes for me to spit out whatever I wanted to say. I was starting to space out just thinking of the reaction of my actions and would've stayed that way had it not been for Zak clearing his throat and startling me back into reality.

"Oh, right." I paced myself before taking a deep breathe. "I quit Ghost Adventures."

My Hero, Zak BagansNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ