Chapter 26

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   Afterwards I tried to convince the nice man that I wasn't an angel but he was one of those people who thought things happened for a reason and that he was saved by his guardian angel (me). Billy asked if he wanted to be driven to the hospital but he refused and then ran away. Where he was going, I have no idea. He completely vanished so Nick, Billy and I went back to the Castle.

   @Katrina_Alex_Bagans I just saved a guy from drowning. Katie:1 Death:0

   We climbed up wooden stairs that led back to the Castle and I collected my shirt, shoes, and mic. I put my shirt back on to try and warm up but it didn't work because the wind started to blow a little and I was wearing soaked shorts.

   "I n-n-need some clothes. O-o-or a b-b-blanket." I shivered. 

   "Here," Billy said. "You can wear my jacket." He handed me his bright blue hoodie and I put it on and zipped it up.

   "Thanks." I said.

  We rounded the corner to the front of the Castle and once everybody spotted us they either cheered or run up to me to see if I was okay.

   "Hun." One of the producers said. "Do you have dry clothes that you can wear?" She took my mic from me and I shrugged.

   "I'm sure there is something in the Castle for me." I told her. I then ran up the stairs and straight to the kitchen where I'm sure I would find Misty.

   I opened the two swinging doors and saw tons of people rushing around to prepare some sort of feast. I looked around for a little and spotted Misty over by the stove.

   "Hey Misty, Do you have any of my clothes still here?" I asked her.

   "Hmmm. I don't know sweetie. Why don't you go look in my closet."

   I did what she told me to and I ran up the stairs, skipping two at a time. There were people everywhere trying to set up cameras so then the audience could keep an eye on us during the lockdown.

   "Hey guys" I stopped in front of two men on a ladder.

   "Hey Miss Katie." One of them said.

   "Why are you guys hooking up new surveillance cameras when you could just try and tap into the ones already spread throughout the Castle?" I wondered.

   "What??" The other guy said. I'm guessing nobody told them about the hidden cameras.

   I giggled a little. "How many cameras did you guys put up yet?" I asked.

   "This is our first one." The man said again. I smiled then walked away to get dry clothes.

          -3:12 pm-

   Once I got dry clothes on I had to help A LOT with moving things and hooking up different cables to different T.V's.

   The weather didn't change at all so it was still hot as hell out a I had Nick put my hair up in a French braid so then my hair would be out of my face and I could move better.

   I had a bunch of wires wrapped around me and I was trying to untangle myself when Aaron approached me.

    "Hey kid, Zak told me to tell you to get some rest. It's gonna be a long night and he wants to make sure you get your rest." He helped me untangle myself.

   "Okay. Can you give me 5 minutes?" I asked.

   "Yeah. Bye." He walked away.

   I was thinking of where I could take a nap and not be in anybody's way. I looked around but all I saw were people running around trying to get things done. I stood on my tippy-toes to see if I could get a better view but that did nothing.

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