Chapter 8

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"What happened? Are you ok? Where are you?" He asked me questions while I heard Nick in the background asking what was happening.

"My family... they were in a car crash... they won't make it..... I.. I had a nightmare.... Vanessa... She'll hurt you guys. I'm in an orphanage and I need you guys right now." I started crying a little. The children started surrounding me and Brittney was going to say something but she decided not to.

"We'll be right over. We're at a convention in Philli so it will take us about 2 hours or so and we'll be there. Which orphange are you at?"

"Middletown Orphnage. It's like in the middle of nowhere."

"All right, we're on our way." He hung up and I stared at my screen until it went black. Zak was coming to get me, I could go home. To who though? My family is in the hospital. Maybe he can take me to visit. I raced through questio after question then I realized everyone was still looking at me.

"Are you leaving?" Brittney asked. I looked at everyone with long faces on and felt so bad. How could I think of myself when these kids are hopeless?

"Yes, I am leaving but we can play until I have to go." I said.

Everyone got up and we went outside to play and have fun until I had to leave. I taught them how to play ring-a-round-the-rosie and sang them every song I knew. They really like 'You are my sunshine' and sang it over and over and over again which didn't bother me because I love that song too. We did everything their little hearts desired and more. Everyone participatd in a playful game of freeze tag and they were laughing and enjoying themselves until Jake tripped over a rock and cut himself on his hand some how.

He started crying and rocking back and forth, holding his hand. Everyone surrounded him and did nothing but tell him to get up and lick off the blood.

"Oh no Jake, don't lick it. Here I think I have a little bit of Neosporn left. I reached in my pocket and sure enough I pulled out my handy-dandy tube of Neosporn I always carry around with me. I squeezed some out onto his hand and rubbed it around. I looked around for anything to wrap it in but I couldn't find anything. I kept looking until I thought of using a ripped piece of my jogging jacket that I still had on. The worn out navy blue jacket was allready ripping on the sleeve so I used that. I ripped it off and tied it nice and tight around his hand to stop the bleeding and his wimpering. After I tied a knot in it, I kissed it a put a smile on his cute little face. "All better?" I asked. He nodded and got to his feet while looking around then pushing me on the shoulder lightly and running away.

"Tag! You're it!" Everyone ran away screaming and I chased after them. These guys were fast and I pretended to be too slow and run out of breath. They found it hilarious and tackled me, jumping on each other one after another. I'm betting there was at least 40-50 kids on me at once, all screaming and laughing and having a good time.

I heard a car driving along the dirt road and knew it could only be Zak, Nick, and Aaron. Apperently the kids heard it to because they started climbing off of me and looking at the van. It stopped in the driveway and the car doors opened with Zak, Nick, and Aaron climbing out with sunglasses glued to there faces. They started walking toward the building without looking at the pile of kids in the middle of the grass. As usual, Aaron had his phone out, probably recording, and talking to Nick as they proceeded to the doorway.

"GET 'EM!" I heard a kid shout as all of the children charged for the guys. Zak looked over and saw everyone coming at them, but didn't have time to move before he had kids jumping on him and tackling him to the ground. Nick also looked over and got the same result but for some reason, nobody touched Aaron. He stood there laughing and recording the whole thing. I got up off the ground and ran over to help them, trying to keep from laughing like an idiot. When I got over to them I saw the kids pinning Zak and Nick to the ground. Some of them had their arms wrapped around Zak's legs and some were even sitting on Nick's arms, inabling him to push them off.

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