Chapter 20

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I woke up to fingers moving across my face.

I moved closer and hummed in pleasure.

"Hey sleeping beauty", Mason smiled.

"Hi , what time is it ", I yawned and turned to unlock my phone.

I saw a text from my mother saying that she'll be staying by the town over for some business.

"It's around five , you want something to eat ", Mason asked standing up to leave.

"Yes please, is your mom home already. I don't want to impose", I say and stand to my feet .

"No , she usually comes around seven when the restaurant closes", Mason says and pulls me down the stairs.

Mason made something with the spaghetti and garlic sauce. It was delicious.

"Where did you learn to cook ", i asked when I finished eating.

"My mom and I used to cook together all the time. My brother would pretend to be a judge and finish all the food", Mason chuckled.

"Um can I ask you something", I mumbled looking down.

"Shoot", Mason said washing out plates.

"Um , how does your mom afford a house like this , does the restaurant make that much ", I asked embarrassed.

"My mom has a franchise of small businesses , not only restaurants actually. My brother and I have shares in our grandparents Oil Company that my mom co-manages. That's where all the money comes from", Mason answered.

"Oh ", I responded.

"Yeah, enough about that , tell me. What are your plans for next year", Mason asked sitting beside me at the counter.

"Well, I thought of studying but I really want to go traveling ", I respond. "My mother don't like that idea , so I guess I'll just have to study and then go traveling", I smile.

"What about you ", I asked.

"Well , I already did an internship during the summer at my grandparents Oil business . I'm planning to take over when I'm older ", Mason smiled.

"Are your grandparents still alive ", i asked.

"Only my grandmother still is , my grandfather died when I was ten . He was a great man and very honest man ", Mason smiled sadly.

"I didn't mean to pry ", I apologised quickly.

"No , it's okay. What time do you have to be back ", Mason asked standing and swinging his keys on his hand.

"Well , my mother won't be home tonight so it doesn't really matter", I answered yawning.

"Your bed is really comfy and soft", I pouted.

"Only because I was in it with you ", Mason said and wiggled his eyebrows.

"Oh whatever ", I said but couldn't help the blush that crept on my cheeks.

"Want to spend the night , or I could sleep over at your house", Mason asked pulling me close to his warm body.
I snuggled closer to his and rubbed my face in his chest.

"No thanks,  I doubt my mother would be happy with having a boy over", I sighed.

"But I don't like being alone Masey ", I say softly.

"Then I'll sleep over tonight. Your mom won't ever find out ", Mason smiled down at me.

"But , your mom. She won't like the idea of you sleeping at my house", I say looking up at him.

"Okay , I won't tell her then , let's go ", Mason say and pull me towards the door.

I looked at him and realized that he had changed into some sweats and a hoodie looking comfortable and hot.

"Do you think Emily and Dustin are finally dating ", I asked Mason as he drove to my house.

"Yeah, she really likes him so I don't see why not ", he shrugged.


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