Prologue - Angelica Foster .1

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I woke up and it was above me.

This pale, misshapen face, if you could call it that.

There had been a general feeling of apprehension all week. Flashes of white in my peripheral, goosebumps out of no where, the hairs on the back of my neck rising. The feeling of being watched despite knowing for a fact that I was home alone.

But now. Now I could see it clearly. No second guessing my eyesight, no more thinking I was just tired and seeing things.

The thing above me looked like it could have been human once in the sense that all humanoid features had been weathered off of it. There was no mouth that I could see. No defining ridges, no nose, just the outline of a person's face with nothing in the middle except for black beady eyes.

It was this huge hulking mass standing over me. The chest alone had to be half the size of my bed. It was bare, nothing but ghostly white sinew and long muscular limbs that denoted a strength in a way that wasn't really fair.

My body was frozen. My mouth open in shock. Was I dreaming? I'd like to be dreaming.

Static cut through the blanket of silence between us. Static from the radio in my alarm clock. Static and words. It takes me some time but after a while I realize from the garbled static a sort of jerky sentence is formed.

Will.... You.... Be.... My.... Friend?

Friend? FRIEND?! Hell no.

I screamed, threw myself out of the other side of my bed, still screaming looking for a quick exit. Behind me it roared, and I didn't pause once as things started flying.

Several pieces of artwork from different art exhibits came off the wall as I ran by. The blue crystal vase from the thrift shop tipped over and smashed at my feet. But that didn't stop me. I jumped over the shards so I wouldn't cut my feet and just kept going.

Panic had a hold of me, but I had enough common sense to grab at least something to help me get as far away from this thing as possible.

My car keys.

I left my shoes, my purse, my wallet, I didn't even grab a coat. Just car keys and then a mad dash to my car.

I was not going to be the dumb white woman that you see in every horror movie. Asking questions instead of running away.

I got in my car and drove very far away, finally settling on a well-lit park and then caught my breath.

Once I was away from my house, once I had caught my breath, my hasty retreat from my own house seemed foolish.

There I was sitting barefoot in my own car, in a skimpy little nightgown, absolutely certain that I had seen some sort of monster in my room.

Except monsters don't exist. So what I should really be worried about was why I was seeing things?

Also, I didn't have my wallet or any identification so if I got pulled over I'd be screwed, and it wasn't like I could rent a hotel room or something.

That and I hadn't even locked the door to the house. I wasn't even sure I had shut it in my mad dash out of the house.

I was gonna get robbed.

This had to be some kind of nervous breakdown. My mortgage payments were getting hard to keep up with. My other bills were getting larger and larger. My work was stressful, my boyfriend liked to pick fights with me. This had to be some sort of reaction to the stress.

I'd just drive home, take a strong tranquilizer and sleep it off. Pretend this didn't happen.

So I drove back home.

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