Peter LaPointe .3

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Peter and Christina got back to his apartment in varying degree of distress. Peter had the box of stuff he had taken from Angelica's house in his arms, Christina was clutching her purse like it was going to vanish. Both of them were upset for the exact same reason, and yet not at the same time.

It was Angelica's outburst.

The fact that she didn't seem to be upset about their relationship, but instead of flat out accused Christina of giving her a monster. That she seemed to think that Christina had been trying to make Angelica's life her own, and to do that she had given her a horror movie monster to derail her life.

It worried Peter because it meant that she truly was crazy.

It was worrying Christina too, though he had a feeling it was for a different reason because she had seemed awfully guilty all through the ride home. She was probably feeling guilty about what she and Peter had done, getting together so quickly after the break up.

But, then again, her response to that accusation had been shock. And not in the, I can't believe she said that, kind of way. More like the, I've just been caught, kind of way.

But monsters didn't exist.

So why did Angelica's accusations affect Christina the way they had?

Peter put the box in his room and came out to find Christina drinking.

It wasn't odd to find her drinking but there was a difference between the way she drank when she was doing it for fun and when she was worried about something. And it was all about the way she held herself when she did it and how much she chose to drink.

She was just standing there, one arm bracing her up against the counter, the other hand gripping her full-to-the-brim wine glass. There was a thousand-yard-stare on her face, like she was haunted.

"Hey you okay?" he asked coming towards her.

His voice jolted her out of her thoughts. She got over it relatively quickly though and turned a warm smile to him.

"Yeah, I know... it's just... sad," she said after a moment. "Sad that she's so crazy... even though I told you she was crazy. Thinking and knowing it, doesn't really prepare you for how bad it is."

Yes she had, she had been telling him long before Angelica actually showed any signs of lunacy to him. Peter had figured it was just jealousy as Angelica had everything that Christina wanted in life. But now it was clear that Angelica was just really good at hiding just how crazy she actually was.

"I just hadn't realized that she had gotten so... delusional."

I can't help but laugh at that, because she had a point.

"Yeah, that's an understatement." He paused to think about it then added: "She was just so damn normal, though. It was really only after that party she had that she started acting weird. You remember? That game night we were all at together..."

That guilty look returned to Christina's face, but she tried to shrug it away.

"Some mental instabilities manifest suddenly... and randomly..."

"Yeah, except... usually that means something happened... you know... like she was traumatized or something... I kinda feel sucky for not... you know... trying to find out if that's what happened..."

Christina suddenly looked annoyed. "It's not your job to deal with her mental health."

Except it was.

He was her boyfriend, he was supposed to help her with those things. Instead things got hard and he cut his losses and left.

A lot of his friends had been disgusted he did that... especially when he ended up officially in a relationship with one of her friends less than a week later.

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