Kyle 4

28 3 7

*Warning, this chapter has minor graphic gore, Trigger Warning in effect*

There was a white girl in the hood.

Not a crack addict-mental-case either. This was a well put together, should have known better, kind of girl.

Walking down the dark streets of Valentine Avenue flashing around her fancy purse and her fine-ass body under that classy outfit of hers.

Skinny jeans and a halter top, showing off all that silky white skin of hers.

This was not a smart girl.

Since they had spotted her they had been following her. Jason, the leader of their little squad, had noticed her first. He had pointed her out to Tevon and Khalid, and he told them that she was going to be their mark for the night.

They were supposed to be getting their bones, proof to make them real 700 boys. James was closer to making it in the gang, he was the one out of the two other boys that was willing to do anything and had a general ruthlessness within him that Khalid only had when pushed and Tevon barely had.

They had just been standing on their corner. Saggy pants, baggy shirts and caps on their head. Jason in all black with gold dripping around his neck, Khalid in navy blue who liked to keep his hands in his pockets cause that where he kept all his precious things in weapons and Tevon was in green because his mom had bought him that shirt and she said it brought out the honey in his brown eyes.

They were typical young adults of color, they fit into ever mold of gangbanger, except for in personality. Well, Tevon's personality didn't fit anyway.

Before this woman had shown up they had been talking, trying to figure out what they wanted to do that night.

They were fresh out of high school and ready to make their way out. But they weren't going to college. Jason because he had no aspirations for it, Khalid because he had hurt himself and lost his football scholarship and Tevon because there was no way for his family to afford it and he hadn't not been approved for a loan.

So now they were out there on the streets trying ot make a name for themselves so they could move up in the gang and make a name for themselves.

And it was going to start with little Miss. Snow White on the block.

They had been following her, a couple of feet behind her, for a few streets now and she was acting weird. Like, weird for a white-woman weird.

Normal people who ended up in their area at night walked quick. This girl was flat out sauntering, like she didn't want them to lose her. She even kept glancing back to make sure they were still there.

Now they weren't breathing down her neck but they were still close. So every time she turned to see if they were still behind them, they were close enough that it was weird that they just stopped walking when she did. They would always make it seem like they were stopping to look at something or having a conversation or lighting a smoke.

And every time she saw them there, she'd smile. Like she was glad they were still there.

Honestly, Jason wanted to leave her alone, she clearly wasn't right in the head. If she wasn't afraid of them, even though she knew they were following her, and probably knew what they were, there had to be a reason why. But Jason knew she'd make them mint, and if things went right they'd be able to prove to the big man in charge of the 700 that they had the right stuff to join his gang.

So no only would they make some money, if they played this right they'd prove themselves.

They argued about it. Or more so Tevon argued because he was starting to get a bad feeling about this, but she sealed her own fate when she ducked down that shadowy alleyway. They moved on her then.

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