Burglary .2

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When Angelica woke up there were shadows painting the kitchen and an eerie silence around her that made her feel heavy. Or that might have been the head injury.

Her head, itself, was pounding, but the pain seemed to be radiating down to the rest of her.

Her mouth was dry, she felt both cold and warm at the same time. It took all of her strength to push herself up into a sitting position and when she did there came this sudden trill right in her ear.

Right, so the pinch in her shoulder was Babs.

That trill was followed by a gurgle and when she focused she found Chad in front of her in the shadows of the kitchen table. He reached out a tentacle to wrap around her wrist as he gurgled at her.

"She's awake!" Kevin cried his voice sounding small and far away. She'd guess that he was in the living room, but she was honestly a little panicked that the blow to her head and messed with her hearing in some sort of way. There was some latent ringing.

However, the second he made that announcement, she was surrounded and despite all the pain and the panic she immediately felt a bit better.

Kyle's presence blanketed over her, Kevin was leaning against her shoulder, and Chad's grip on her wrist never once faltered. There was that reassuring pressure on her shoulder, she could see Teddy standing beside Kyle, both of them peering down at her carefully, worry etched on all of their features. Even Kyle was managing to look worried and he barely had a face.

"What happened?" she asked.

"You got hit, miss'us," Teddy said to her.

Well no shit. She remembered that part.

We had a breach in security, the smart home speaker called from the hallway. Now that they had the speaker, Kyle didn't have to search the TV channels to cobble together sentences. Meant he sounded normal when he talked now.

It was great not having to wait for him to put his words together, but now, even without the pause, Angelica found she just couldn't comprehend what was happening. Firstly, why was he talking like that? She had to stop letting him watch spy movies. Secondly... someone broke into her house? Really?

She was living in the fucking house of death. Aptly named by its own fucking town because of all the damn death in and around the place. And someone just... broke in?

Why the hell did this shit keep happening to her?

"What does that mean?" Angelica asked, trying to sit up.

Her legs felt funny, heavy, damp even. She didn't know how to describe it, and when she turned down to look at them, she found them soaked with blood. The jeans she had been wearing were saturated with it.

She almost found herself gagging at the sight of it at the realization that the heavy, slick, coldness that was coating her was blood. Not even fresh blood.

"Ugh... oh my god... what... what..."

She wildly found herself looking around the kitchen to find the source of the bleeding. Unless... unless it was coming from her.

Except it wasn't.

Just by her feet was a body.

She didn't recognize who this man was, but it was clear he was dead. He was bent in one hell of an awkward position and it looked like his chest had been deflated. The horrified look on his face seemed frozen there, his lifeless eyes staring at her like it was her fault this happened.

And to be fair... it probably was.

"What the hell happened?!" The monsters all exchanged glances but none of them moved to explain. "Tell me what happened, right now, or so help me..."

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