Peter LaPointe .6

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Angelica Foster had been the prime suspect in a murder, just like this one, before. Recently actually.

They hadn't drawn the connection right away, but Detective Dalton out of the Robbery and Homicide team had recognized the name immediately. Because the girl had struck a chord in him.

She hadn't reacted right, he had said. She was all together too flippant about the whole situation. He had waved it away as shock at first, but he had felt like she was holding back some sort of information. She knew something, she just wouldn't tell him what it was, and he had never figured out what it could be.

Right away all three of them were certain that Angelica was involved, because this was the second person around her to die in the same way.

And man, what a way to go.

Being ripped apart.

They couldn't pin anything on her for the Bank Heist, yes she had been in the room, but Angelica wasn't strong enough to rip a grown man into pieces and there was no evidence to support that she had been the one to do it either.

Except now it had happened again, and Christina had witnessed it.

Now they just had to prove that she did it.

They started first with the pizza delivery she told them about.

She ordered from a little mom and pop shop that delivered. They confirmed that she ordered at 8:00pm last night, which was about when cops showed up Peter LaPointe's residence at the behest of Christina. He would have just been murdered, the pieces of his body were still warm.

The call had been made from her cellphone, the owner recognized it because she ordered from them all the time, she was somewhat of a regular, but recently she had been ordering more frequently. She had gone from once a month to once every other week. That call, however, could have been placed anywhere in the city.

They got the name of the delivery boy. A man in his early 20s named Ali. He picked up on the first ring.

They gave him the address and he had an answer.

"Yeah, I delivered a pizza to her last night," the boy said. "I hate that house."

"You do? Why?"

"Cause... you get the creeps just being around it... like ... it always feels like someone's watching you, you know? Lady tips well, and she seems super nice, but I swear, every time I've gone there, I can hear that she's talking to someone but when she opens the door she's always the only one there."

Yeah that just made her a crazy person with a creepy house, not a murderer.

And neither detective was going to admit that they got the same feeling while they were there.

"What time did you deliver the pizza?"

"Uh... around 8:30pm, why?"

"And she was the one who answered the door."

"Well, yeah... as usual. Why? Has something happened to her?"

"No, she's okay. We're just confirming an alibi, thanks for your time."

He had hung up the phone before Ali could ask anymore questions.

The delivery was a half hour later and she had been there. In theory she could have gotten back to her house in time to meet the delivery boy, but only if she had all green lights or she was speeding.

They called the other places too, to confirm the receipts time and if it matched their machines.

They confirmed that she had bought a pack of Oreos at a grocery chain at 7:00pm. She then bought a board game at about 7:30pm and then she went and bought a burger around 7:45pm at a place that was about fifteen minutes from her house.

Which would make sense if she automatically bought the pizza when she got home, though why would she do that? She had bought a burger only twenty minutes before.

Still it didn't work with their timeline.

Peter got murdered between 7:45-8:00pm and Angelica very clearly hadn't been anywhere near the scene of the murder.

With that information they had gone back into the interrogation room, assuming that Angelica knew the person who had gone into that apartment and killed her ex.

But she had changed.

It was like that blown light had switched something on in her. She was suddenly confident and cool and calm, much like she had been with Dalton.

She wouldn't admit to knowing anyone or anything, in fact she refused to answer any more questions unless she had a lawyer present. But when asked for her so called evidence, she freely offered all that they asked for.

They got her financials and sure enough there were no suspicious transfers or withdrawals so she didn't pay someone to kill him. There were no suspicious phone calls on her transcripts, so suspicious texts in her phone, no suspicious searches in her internet history either.

They, quite frankly, had nothing.

And that was when Dalton decided to tell them that that Christina was involved in that robbery too. In fact, he'd go as far as to say that the only reason Angelica ended up in that situation was because Christina put her in it. It was like the other girl was trying to get Angelica killed.

They were forced to realize that something horrible had happened, and because Christina held a grudge for some reason, she had painted Angelica as the perpetrator. She was no longer a reliable witness.

They eventually let Angelica leave, which unfortunately had to be done when Christina was there in the building. Christina had been at Jonas' desk, he had been briefing her on what had happened, that Angelica had an alibi, trying to see if she could be more forth coming about what she really saw because it was clear that she hadn't see right.

Angelica was certain to walk right by Jonas' desk. She stopped before leaving the bull pen, turned back to Christina, looked her right in the eye, and hit her with the most patronizing wave paired with a condescending smile.

It set Christina off immediately.

But as Angelica she left, the oppressive air around the precinct left with her, leaving them with a howling Christina instead and honestly, they didn't know what was worse.

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