Burglary .1

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Two months after moving in and Angelica had her own living area all set up and decorated the way she wanted. She had everything she needed unpacked, and she was going about the house looking for changes and fixes she would have to make. A lot of which were modifications to make for her monsters.

She set up a whole room for her Boogies. If anyone asked she'd say it was an old cat room, because that was what it looked like. She had bought a few more cat trees, a few cat hammocks, a whole bunch of cat toys to keep them entertained and with Kyle's help they had put up shelves that ran along the walls for them to climb and run along.

Now that Babs and Bryan were friendly with each other now, they spent a lot of time either playing music—badly, mind you, as a guitar and a clock couldn't really make good music together—or running around chasing one another.

Chad had taken some time to warm up to Bryan as well, mostly in solidarity for Babs, but now that she was okay with Bryan, he was okay with him too.

She had even managed to sell the furniture she took out of that room to Davroe.

The man had done quite well after the incident. His dislocated shoulder and broken collarbone was still healing and his arm was still in the sling but that hadn't stopped him or slowed him down at all. In fact he came to supervise the movers who came to pick up the bed and the night tables and desk and chairs that she had taken out of the room. He didn't seem to remember what happened that day, so that was good. She was worried he would question her about what happened, or what she had seen, but he was too excited to get "authentic haunted merchandise" to care.

It wasn't really haunted. She had double checked.

He said there were plenty of wackos on the internet willing to pay top dollar for stuff like that so if she ever needed to sell anything else out of that house, he'd always be willing to buy.

Angelica had found that weird but, hey, at least she'd always be able to make some money.

Not that she didn't like her new job as a work-from-home-call-center-agent for her bank. She took quite the hefty pay cut accepting that position, but after the incident at the bank it was easy to pretend that she was too traumatized to return to the bank in person. And it wasn't like they could fire her. She got traumatized by their job and their crazy employee, they owed her at least a transfer.

At least she was saving them money!

The only problem was that Kyle sometimes talked to her through her headphones... while on calls.

She kept telling him to stop but he kept forgetting.

No matter how many times she tried to explain it, Kyle just couldn't grasp the idea of work-from-home. He assumed it was like when she was on leave. Technically she was getting paid still, but she could stay home with him and do whatever they wanted to do. It wasn't like that anymore, she kept trying to explain that she was on calls and couldn't play whenever he wanted, but it was going right over his head.

She was thinking purposely though.

On her days off, now that she had gotten the rooms all set up and ready to go, she planned on going through the rest of the property.

There was a lot to take in and a lot she wanted to update and deal with. Once she knew what she wanted to do with it, that is.

Like the large barn that was filled with odds and ends from different owners that had been left behind and didn't fit in the attic. Oh, that was another place she'd have to go through.

She wanted to go through it and all the stuff and get rid of all the things she didn't want. Maybe she'd have a yard sale, though she doubted any of her neighbours would come. She'd have to get a special permit and do it in the street or something. She'd let Davroe have first pick, of course, seeing as he got injured by one of her monsters.

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