Chad 3

26 3 8

She had to parkour her way through her own living room. Starting with Kyle picking her up with his good arm and putting her onto the armchair.

She had told him to stay in the kitchen and that did not sit well with him.

The goal was to make contact with this creature much like she had made contact with Kyle, she was just going to have to go about it a different way. She was figuring since Kyle had spent all of the day trying to evict him from her home, and had gotten into a fight with him, that he wouldn't be a welcome presence.

He hadn't wanted to let her go alone, was worried for her, so the compromise they came up with was for him to stay in the doorway so he could grab her if it looked like this Under Monster was going to attack.

From the armchair she jumped to the couch and then caught her breath. She went into her pocket for the little zip-lock baggie she had of chicken, she took a few pieces out and dropped them to the floor, right in front of her couch.

Immediately a tip of purple tentacle appeared and swiped all the pieces under the couch. She waited listening hard, pretty sure that she could hear it chewing which was also terrifying.

When it sounded like it was done chewing, she carefully cleared her throat and tried to pretend that she wasn't scared.

"Did you like that?" she asked. "Do you want more?"

There came a gurgling from under the couch and then the TV flicked on.

It... said... yes...

Great so the thing couldn't talk to her, but Kyle understood it. Because having one monster that could barely communicate with her wasn't hard enough, now she was going to have to have two.

Right, she'd figure out the logistics of talking later.

"Okay, here's some more," she said and she dropped a few more pieces. "I'm all for feeding you but I have some questions and you're going to have to answer them, okay?"

There was another set of gurglings and she turned to Kyle who turned the TV back on and said: It... said... okay.

"Great keep that TV on," she ordered and he nodded. She then focused down floor before the couch. "The first thing is less a question and more an order. I wanna see what you look like. No jump scares, just come out, let me see what you look like and then you can go back to hiding."

And then she stood there and waited.

Except it didn't come out from under the couch it came out from under her coffee table.

It was about the size of a medium-sized dog. It's body was purple like the tentacles and a sort of oval type shape. There were so many tentacles, more than eight. Each of them had suckers on the bottom, and all of them were a sort of yellow color. In the middle of the roundness and mass of tentacles was a big black beak that was filled to the brim with teeth.

And right above that big black beak was the pair of beady yellow eyes she had seen before.

"How the hell did you get out from under the couch without me seeing you?"

... moves... through... shadows...

Oh so under monsters were a type of shadow monster. Except they liked to be under?

Weird, but whatever.

"Kay and... it eats... fear? Right? Like you?" she asked.

But from his place in the doorway Kyle shook his head and the monster under her table disappeared. Immediately she dropped a few more pieces of chicken. Once again a tentacle came out from under her couch and swiped them under again.

Okay. At least she knew where it was hiding this time.

... Eats... fear... and meat...

Aww come on.

"Right, I'm not on the menu," she said angling that fact down at the thing under her couch.

There came this terrible gurgling sort of burp and she turned right away to Kyle.

... he wouldn't... eat... you...

"Okay... so what was all that grabbing me stuff then? My back still hurts from hitting the ground, I'll let you know."

... wanted... me... to... stop...

He wanted Kyle to stop hunting for it so it had grabbed her. Smart. Sucked for her, but smart.

Angelica took out another little bit of shredded chicken and dropped it on the floor while sinking into a sitting position.

She didn't dare put her feet down, instead crossing them beneath her.

"So... why are you here? What exactly do you want?"

The purple tentacle swiped the chicken under the couch and was quiet for a moment before it began to grumble and gurgle again.

... home... wants... a... home...

Angelica turned to Kyle and then groaned. "Why me? Who's telling monsters to come here?"

There was more gurgling and then the TV was flickering talking over it.

... saw... us... in... alleyway... then... followed.

The alleyway... oh my god, when she took Kyle to feed. It had followed her from the alleyway? Jesus.

"So you saw me with Kyle and thought... yes I'm going to live with her?"

Another gurgle and then more static before the: ...yes...

This was fucking nonsense.

"Aw come on! I am not running a boarding house for monsters!" she cried. "I'm having a hard enough time adjusting to one monster."

They were all quiet for a moment before the monster under her couch grumbled again, this time softly.

She turned to Kyle as the TV flickered back on to say: ... he... has... no where... else... to go...

Wow, with the guilt trips.

Angelica sighed and sunk back into the couch. It really was looking like she didn't have a choice. Or, well she did, and it was to be an asshole or a nice person.

"Alright but I have rules," she said. "And we're going to have to figure out what I'm getting out of this. Kyle's security, what can you do?"

Right away a tentacle whipped up and to her coffee table, going about straightening anything that she had on there. Like in an OCD kind of fashion.

So it could clean.

Maybe this would work out.

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