Babs 3

24 3 7

At first Angelica hoped that if she stayed very very still that, whatever was standing above her, would just go away.

Like that T-Rex in that scary movie.

So she lay there. Quiet and still waiting for whatever this was to fade away. Whether it be her imagination or something else entirely. She just wanted it to go away.

But it didn't.

It stood above her, staring at her. This woman with dark curly hair pinned up and blown up like she was an old black and white movie star. She was in the black and white polka dotted little dress, looking very much like 1940's pin up girl.

And then she smiled.

At first it was just her lips curling up at the edges, but then they just... didn't stop. They kept going. Splitting apart like she was being sliced up the cheek, on both sides, at the same time. Then her smile widened, her teeth blackened with blood, seeping out between the cracks and down her chin.

Still Angelica refused to move, though mostly she was frozen in fear. But the second it's spindly needle looking hands reached out for her, Angelica was rolling out of the opposite side of the bed.

She hit the ground, popped back up but the woman was no longer at the foot of her bed.

Angelica looked around, and found that it was right beside her, reaching for her again.

That time Angelica screamed.

She scrambled back and away, right out of her room and into the hallway. She wasn't sure how it was moving but it always ended up to her side. She practically tripped getting down the stairs and the woman still beat her down to the bottom floor.

She had to be moving through the shadows, just like Kyle and Chad.

Seriously where was Kyle? Didn't he hear her panicking?

She got into the kitchen, the woman still following her, and finally Kyle was there. She slid into his chest and whirled around pointing at the woman.

"Get it, get it, for the love of god get it!" she shouted.

But Kyle didn't move.

The woman didn't come closer now that she was in his arms, but he didn't lash out, despite the bitch being right in smacking's distance.

Nothing... nothing is... there...

What in the love of god did that mean?

"What are you talking about. She's right there!" she cried pointing at her. She looked up to Kyle who glanced down to her, a great concern shining in his eyes. "You're telling me I'm the only one who can see that!"

She turned back around to face her and she was right back in her face. Angelica screamed again swatting herself out of Kyles arms and scrambling back and into the living room. She tripped over the coffee table and went down hard.

When she looked up Kyle was watching her from the doorway and the woman was standing over again. Angelica was making a sort of whimper, scream hybrid as she struggled to move away. But she was going to grab her, there was no avoiding it now.

Because she couldn't get away.

"Oh for the love of god," Kevin cried coming out of the chimney. He scampered towards her and snatched something off of her shoulder.

Right away the woman just up and vanished and the screeching started.

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