Burglary .5

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The second time Angelica woke up she was in a hospital. She knew she was in a hospital, head injury or not because she remembered being taken there. She remembered getting poked and prodded and being told that she'd have to be put in the MRI machine to try and gauge if she had something internal to worry about.

That would be when she started freaking out. The panic attack she remembered, the flickering lights that eventually shattered above her that had followed the start of her hyperventilating that told her one of her monsters had followed, Kyle probably. They had pulled her the second the light shattered, they had been refusing before that. She then had to wait while they sorted out the machine and then, when it was time for her to go into it again, they decided to sedate her. She obviously had no idea if anything had happened while she was out but she figured it all stopped, at least... she was hoping it stopped.

She woke up to a completely normal white hospital room. All by herself. She wondered why, briefly, then figured the exploding lights and the general sense of apprehension that followed her paired with the fact that she came from Culverton, had gotten her a private room. She better not have to pay for it though.

Everything seemed normal though. No flickering lights, nothing floating in midair, nothing screaming or chasing people around. She did, however, have something around her wrist that didn't feel like a hospital bracelet. No she could feel that annoying plastic against the skin of her other wrist.

Turning to it she found that it was a little tentacle wrapped around her, no doubt leaving little suction marks from the suckers.

She didn't even care.

Just knowing Chad was there made her feel better. She wasn't in some foreign hospital all alone, she had someone with her.

She spotted a bit of movement out of the corner of her eye as she was closing them again. The room was too bright for her to keep her eyes open and honestly, it wasn't even that bright. Just a symptom of the concussion, she had to guess.

Knowing that Kyle too had followed her to the hospital put a sleepy smile onto her, one that immediately turned into a frown the second she realized the implication of Kyle having followed her here.

"If you're here, who's watching the house? Are they alone with the cops? Are the cops still there?" There was silence in the room other than the rhythmic beeping of her heart monitor, she had no answer from either monster. She didn't know what that meant but it couldn't be good. "Can you go back to the house? I need you to make sure the others are okay until I get back." Again silence, but she felt him, hovering over her. "Please, I'll be okay. Chad will come get you if I need you promise."

She felt a soft whisper of touch, fingers smoothing over her hair and then it was gone. Then, no matter where she looked she couldn't see Kyle. She assumed he had done as she asked.

She took great comfort in Chad's tentacle wrapped around her wrist. She felt safer, not that she really thought that she might be in danger in a hospital, but after getting knocked out in her own home, she felt a little paranoid. But having one of her monsters there with her was soothing, especially since the one she had could apparently knock a man to the ground, drag him under a couch and eat him leaving nothing but a few splatter drops behind. That put her mind at ease. Nothing was going to get her, and if something tried, they'd deal with Chad or Kyle would come back.

Chad held on to her, only letting go of her twice. First when the nurse came in and realized that she was awake. Then again when the doctor came back to look her over.

Then they got to be alone a bit. Angelica had turned on the TV and picked a channel that Chad would like and then promptly went back to sleep. She was so tired she just wanted to sleep a thousand years.

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