Peter LaPointe .2

23 2 7

The house was heavy with the award, and in her case seething, silence after Peter and Christina left.

Only because Angelica was so angry she was certain if she opened her mouth she was going to explode. It wasn't that she wanted Peter back or that she was really all that upset that it was Christina he ended up with.

It was that that stupid bitch had derailed her whole life.

Literally everything that had gone wrong with her, all the stress she was under, all the extra money she had been spending instead of saving, all of it was because of Christina.

She was also just... shocked. She had no idea that Christina hated her that much. To literally give her a monster, that she probably figured would kill her, just so Christina could just step into the empty space that used to be Angelica's life.

How had she not realized that their friendly work place rivalry was so... not?

But she couldn't ask Christina any of this, because it was the perfect alibi. Monsters didn't exist. Things like Kyle didn't exist. Angelica going on about it would just make her look crazy. No one would listen to her and Christina would win... again.

Maybe that was her real plan, have Kyle drive her crazy and have her committed or something.

The problem was the person she was mad at wasn't there, and Angelica was terribly mad. She needed to get it out of her. So she turned around and set a glare on Kyle.

"So let me get this straight... Christina... gave you to me?" Kyle's head bobbed. "So she had whatever your totem was and instead of staying with her... you stayed with me?"

...I don't... I don't remember... beginning. I remember... darkness... and her... and then you.

"So she made you?"

At that Kevin chose to appear on the coffee table again. She could see his hooves scratching the finish. She was either going to have to get him booties or make him stand on coasters or something.

Or get a tablecloth.

"Either she brought him to being, got him from someone else, or transferred him to you. As I mentioned he probably has no idea what happened. He just knows that his totem was given to you which made you his new host."

All of that made sense, and he had told her that before. But again... Angelica wanted answers and she knew she wasn't going to get them.

Not from him.

"Okay... well... fuck!" she cried. "So... like... this is my life now?" All of her monsters stared at her. All silent because they didn't know where this was going. Neither did she. "So you're telling me that she put a monster on me and that was it? So she gets to just ruin my life and get away with it?"

All of them stared at her with varying degrees of confusion.

"I could be normal? Do you understand! I could have a normal fucking life! But no! Now I'm the fucking monster wrangler! Do you have any idea how much I wanted to be normal?"

For a second they all stared at her again while she stood there, practically about to cry.

"I'm about to be fired, my spending is off the charts cause I constantly have to buy things for you. I'm single and friendless because I can't leave you guys alone... and... and... I didn't want any of this! I want my life back!"

Kevin glanced up to Kyle and then back to her.

"That... is quite upsetting... you might want to... rephrase..."

"No!" Angelica thundered. "I want my old life back. I want to be normal again! I don't want any of this anymore! I don't want to be the monster wrangler anymore. I don't want to be anyone's friend!" She then looked at Kyle. "Especially not yours!"

Then before anyone could say anything else to her, she grabbed her purse and stormed to the door, slamming it behind her as she went.

She honestly didn't care if she never saw any of those stupid monsters ever again.

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