Prologue - Angelica Foster .2

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[---Attempt 1---]

They advertised themselves as a real-life version of the Ghost Busters.

What showed up at my house that morning was a cheap knock off version.

They were in these green coveralls, with strange helmets over their head. They have backpacks on that look like jetpacks and other strange gadgets on their belts.

There were only two of them and they seemed awfully sure of themselves. But because they had confidence, I was confident too.

Well... sort of.

"Right... so you guys have this?" I ask them. "Like you've taken down a Shadowman before?"

"Oh sure," the defacto leader tells me. "We got this ma'am, you can go relax."

That's not my plan though.

I've survived a second night with Peter, and I've got yet another day off work for this. The plan is to pack up a to-go bag of my essentials, because, as much as these guys are confident... I want a back up plan.

I told Peter this morning I was going to check on the place and see how the repairs are coming. Depending on how this went, I'd either be moving back in tonight, or I'd be spending another night with Peter.

So with my low-rent Ghost Busters downstairs working on getting rid of my Shadowman I went upstairs to pack that bag.

I started by getting all the essentials out of my bathroom, dropping them all into my duffle bag. I was in my room working picking out outfits, specifically in front of my dresser when I realized I wasn't alone.

It was the way the hairs on the back of my neck raised up. It was the feeling you got when someone close to you, or you were being watched.

Are they... new... friends...?

I'm not sure where the voice is coming from. It sounds like different voices all cobbled together to create a sentence.

But if I'm hearing the voices... that means...

I look up and find my reflection before me and it's not alone.

It's standing behind me.

A shiver runs down my spine, fear climbs up my throat, slows my lungs, but I can't find it in me to run like I did two nights ago.

It's so much taller than I thought it was. Its skin is white, and not Caucasian white either, like translucent white. Voldemort white.

It actually kind of looks like Voldemort and Slender man all put together. I can see the impression of where a human face might be, but it's like all the lines of the human face have been smoothed out of it. I don't see a mouth, it has two holes for nose and black beady eyes.

It's also right behind me, so if it wants to hurt me, it can.

And I have no doubt it will if I piss it off too much.

Except I've never been good at curbing my snarkiness.

"They're here to get rid of you."

Something on its face changed. I wouldn't have called it a glare, but something around it's eyes narrowed.

I wait to see if it'll attack me. But instead it just... vanished.

I swear.

One second it's in that mirror, the next I blink and it's gone.

I stand there for a moment waiting for the inevitable jump scare. But it doesn't come.

I do however, hear screaming from downstairs. I grab all that I can and shove it into the bag before sprinting down the stairs.

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